- Kalendar Latihan
- Prospektus
- Siaran
- Koleksi Ucapan
- Berita Terkini
- Commencement of Diplomatic Training Course for PTD Officers 2010
- Course for Spouses of Heads of Missions
- Special motion tabled in condemning the violent attack by Zionist military regime
- ASEAN Lecture Siries : Building a People–Oriented ASEAN Community :Challenges and Opportunities
- ASEM 8 Dialogue: Ways Forward for Asia – Europe Cooperation
- "It Was Not Merely The Mountain That We Conquered, But That Of Ourselves"
- Ucapan Tahun Baru – Ketua Pengarah IDFR
- Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 1/2011
- Seminar "Indonesia dan Kepengerusian ASEAN 2011 : Keutamaan dan Prospek"
- Workshop on Introduction to Public International Law
- Dinner Talk : Malaysia Tourism Transformation Plan
- The Completion Of The Orientation Course For Heads Of Mission And Their Spouses
- The Completion Of The Orientation Course For Heads Of Mission And Their Spouses
- ‘Say It Right: A Course In Pronunciation’ 2/2011
- The ASEAN Anniversary Forum
- Workshop On Public Diplomacy And Media Skills 2/2011
- Crisis Management Course for International Participants 2011
- The First International Seminar On Malaysian-Thai Studies (ISMATS 2012)
- Crisis Management Course For International Participants 2012 _edit
- Session with H.E. Ong Keng Yong – The Globalised Diplomacy – Diplomats of the 21st Century
- Official Opening of the IDFR- UKM Master of Social Science (Strategy and Diplomacy) Session 2012 / 2013
- IDFR-UKM Masters Degree Program Session 2013/2014
- Bengkel Pelan Strategik ICT (ISP), IDFR 2013 – 2015 (Siri 3)
- The lecture on “Strengthening Diplomatic Ties between the European Union and Malaysia in the face of the Eurozone Crisis” by His Excellency Jacques Santer at IDFR
- Strategic Analysis Course 2013
- Mid-Career Course for Diplomats, 9 – 20 September 2013
- Town Hall Session with the Chief Secretary to the Government of Malaysia
- Taklimat Data Asas Sistem Pengurusan Aset (SPA)
- Sesi Sign Off Projek Pembangunan Pelan Strategik Teknologi Maklumat (ISP) IDFR 2013-2015
- The Regional Integration Processes in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Hari Terbuka Perpustakaan IDFR 2013
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course (DTC) for International Participants 2/2013
- IDFR’s New Cafe
- Outcome of the 23rd ASEAN Summit and Related Summits
- Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2013 Graduation Ceremony
- Transboundary Pollution: What We Know and What Can We Do About It? by Professor Euston Quah
- Speech Writing Workshop for IDFR's Officers
- IDFR-UiTM Colloquium: Ensuring Sustainability of Library and Information Science Professionals
- The Second National Convention on Islamic Training
- Visit By A Delegation From KD Sultan Idris I (KDSI), RMN Lumut
- International Inter Cultural Appreciation
- Information Technology and Innovation Day 2013
- Roundtable Conference: Strengthening Regional Integration in ASEAN through multi-channel Dialogue
- Seminar 'Public Sector Trainers Meet Trainers' 2013
- Training of Trainers: Introduction to Training Skills, 10 - 13 December 2013
- Forum for ASEAN Young Diplomats on International Affairs 2013
- Executive Talk: Propaganda, Public Diplomacy and National Security
- Bengkel Sistem Pengurusan Aset (Fasa 1)
- Training of Trainers: Ethos and Patriotism
- International Trade in Agriculture Products: Overcoming Barriers
- Workshop on Public Diplomacy and Media Skills
- Majlis Amanat Ketua Setiausaha Negara 2014
- Introductory Course On Protocol and Etiquette
- Lecture on Beyond the Horizon: Potential Political Breakthrough in the South China Sea by Professor Dr Vivian L Forbes
- Latihan Penggunaan Desktop Mac Pro Peringkat Pertengahan
- Majlis Perasmian Mahathir Global Peace School
- Seminar Pengurusan Transformasi Organisasi
- Majlis Makan Malam dan Sesi Ceramah Oleh Profesor Dr. Farish A. Noor
- Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 1/2014 Under the SPKM
- Articles in the news IDFR Website 2013
- Persidangan Ketua-Ketua Perwakilan Ke-8
- INTAN Public Policy Ministerial Forum Series 2014: “Rasuah-Adakah Anda Masalahnya Ataupun Penyelesaiannya?”
- Seminar Titled ‘Reflections on Lahad Datu: One Year Later’ Held at the National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM)
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 1/2014
- Kongres Kepimpinan Wanita Islam Peringkat Kebangsaan 2014
- Bengkel Pengenalan Undang-undang Awam Antarabangsa
- The 4th Series of Introduction to Protocol Course: Self-Grooming and Image Branding
- Attachment Programme at the Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia
- Majlis Pelancaran Standard Pengkatalogan Kebangsaan (RDA)
- Kolokium Kebangsaan Mengenai Kepengerusian ASEAN oleh Malaysia 2015
- Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 2/2014 under The Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia di Luar Negara (SPKM)
- Investor-State Dispute Settlement: From The Context of Investor Protections and State’s Right to Pursue National Agenda
- Community Wealth Creation Through Geographical Indications (GI)
- Bangladesh Trade Policy: Meeting The International Standards and Technical Regulations and Overcoming The Barrier in International Trade
- Intermediate and Advanced Speechwriting Courses
- Persidangan Antarabangsa Perpustakaan Digital 2014
- Pelancaran Buku: 'A UN Chronicle'
- Third National Defence University Malaysia (NDUM) – Institut Des Hautes Etudes De Defense Nationale (IHEDN) Conference on Defence and Security Cooperation
- Ambassadors Lecture Series (Ales): “Malaysia-Korea Win-Win Partnership”
- Panel Discussion on: “The Current Development In Ukraine”
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Their Spouses Series 3/2014 (Grade 41 and Above)
- ASEAN-China Young Diplomats Training Course 2014
- Orientation Course for Secretaries and Executive Officers
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): English Language for Diplomacy Course 1/2014
- Panel Discussion in conjunction with the 40th Anniversary of Malaysia-China Diplomatic Relations
- Adam Smith on the Decline of Islamic Science
- The 31st ASEF Board of Governors’ Meeting in Riga, Latvia and Working Visit to Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
- Lecture titled, Experience with the International Media and the Importance of Truthful and Moderate Approach
- Kursus "Crisis Management Course for International Participants 2014"
- Lecture on Ukraine and the European Security by Professor Dr. Sarah Birch, Chair of Comparative Politics at School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
- Indonesian Election: Opportunities for Indonesia and Challenges for the Region
- Hubungan Malaysia-Australia
- Sesi Pagi Jumaat: “Aspek-aspek Protokol”
- Sesi Pagi Jumaat: “Terapi Ketawa ke Arah Meningkatkan Kualiti Hidup”
- SPKM Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 4/2014 (Grade 41 and Above)
- MTCP Executive Workshop on Diplomacy and Security for Senior Government Officials 2014, 25 – 29 August 2014
- Sesi Pagi Jumaat: Pengurusan Kemarahan melalui Teknik Aroma Terapi
- Diploma in Diplomacy 2014 Graduation Dinner
- IDFR-UNAM Workshop on Climate Change “Malaysia’s Climate Change Strategies: Plan of Action”
- Asia-Europe Institute Public Lecture Media and Generations: A Research and Learning Approach for Media Education and Audience Studies by Professor Cristina Ponte
- Friday Morning Session: “A Dialogue Session between Human Resource Management Division and Assistant Secretaries 41/44”
- Farewell Dinner for Masters’ Students for Session 2013/2014
- Friday Morning Session: Law of Attraction
- Master in Social Science (Strategy & Diplomacy) Orientation Programme Session 2014/2015
- The 12th Women’s Summit 2014
- Training of Trainers: Introduction to Training Skills Course
- Address by YAM Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Ibni Tuanku Muhriz at the 3rd Raja Aziz Addruse Memorial Lecture
- Friday Morning Session: Brainstorming Session on “ASEAN Post-2015 : Outlook and Challenges”
- Panel Discussion: “Protecting the Interest of Foreign Workers vs. National Interest”
- Strategic Analysis Course For International Participants 2014
- Asean Ambassadors Lecture Series "The Philippines: Trends and Prospects by H.E. J. Eduardo Malaya, Ambassador of The Republic of The Philippines to Malaysia"
- Building Blocks of Good English 2/2014
- SPKM Pre Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2014 (Grade 38 and Below)
- Workshop on Etiquette, Protocol and Event Management for Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia
- Panel Discussion on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/IL) at the Treaty Room on 30 October 2014
- Forum on “Nuclear Weapons: Still An Existential Threat to Humankind” by Professor the Honourable Gareth Evans AC QC
- A Friday Morning Session titled, “Briefing on Chevening Scholarships”
- Executive Talk: Asean Community 2015: Challenges and Opportunities
- Workshop on Etiquette, Protocol and Event Management for Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia, 18 – 20 November 2014
- Workshop on International Negotiations for Mid and Senior Level Officers
- International Day of Solidarity with The Palestinian People “Malaysians In Solidarity with The People of Palestine”
- The 40th Anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Relations “Strengthening Regional Integration Through Strategic Partnership”
- Best Responsibility Centre for 2014
- Introduction to Diplomacy, Etiquette and Communication
- MiDAS Talk 10/2015: China’s Neighbourhood Policy and ASIAN Security Architecture Building
- Roundtable Discussion on “The Growing U.S.-Asean Partnership and Priorities at The East Asia Summit”
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for Senior Officials from The Government of Timor-Leste
- Ethiopian Civil Service University (ECSU) Study Visit
- Book Launch: Malaysia-Singapore Fifty Years of Contentions 1965–2015 by Tan Sri Ab. Kadir Mohamad
- Special Address on ‘Reflections on Malaysia-Cuba Relations’ by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
- Economic Diplomacy Series 1/2015 - “The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): Making the AEC a Success”
- ISIS International Affairs Forum “Diplomacy and Security Policy of Prime Minister Abe”
- IDFR Welcome Students from the Virtue Foundation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand
- ASEAN-Australia Engagement: Trends and Prospects for the Region
- Diplomacy and International Relations Module for PTD Cadets 2014 (Sidang AB and Sidang CD)
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 1/2015
- Workshop on Drafting International Resolution
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2015
- Asia-Europe Public Diplomacy Training Initiative Workshop
- Eminent Person Lecture Series (EPELS) titled, “The Future of ASEM”
- A Talk on ‘Confucianism and the Concept of Greater China’
- Launching of "Mexico and Malaysia: Celebrating 40 Years of Friendship" and The Panel Discussion on “Mexico - Malaysia Relations Present and Future Opportunities and Challenges”
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course For Home-Based Staff And Spouses 2/2015
- ASEAN 2015 Workshop for Liaison Officers for Ministry of Youth and Sports, Malaysia
- ASEAN Ambassador Lecture Series 1/2015. “Malaysia-Indonesia Relations under the Jokowi Administration and its Impact for the Region”
- MTCP: Workshop On Diplomacy And Security For Asean Mid-Level Career Diplomats 2015
- MIDAS Talk 11/2015 by H.E Le Luong Minh on “Asean Community 2015: Challenges and Opportunities”
- Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) programme series 1/2015: “Arabic Products and Folklore Exhibition”
- DiD 2015: Panel Discussion 1 On Theories And Practices In Diplomacy And International Relations
- Malaysia - Singapore Relations: Unsettled Issues And Future Prospects
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course For Home-Based Staff And Spouses 3/2015
- Islamic State (IS) and Its Threats to Malaysia Forum
- MTCP: English Language for Diplomacy 2015
- DiD 2015: Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2015 Opening Ceremony
- DiD 2015: French Film and Art Festival 2015
- DiD 2015: Visit by DiD Participants to the National Palace
- ASEAN 2015 Workshop For Liaison Officers In Kuching
- IDFR Lecturer Series 3/2015 "China's One Belt, One Road Initiative : Strategic Implications, Regional Responses"
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 4/2015
- International Conference on the Plight of the Rohingya, Part II: Crime Against Humanity
- DiD 2015: Charity Futsal Meet for Sabah Earthquake Victims
- DiD 2015: Panel Discussion on Contemporary Political Issues
- DiD 2015: Session with YBhg. Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah, CEO of Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) on Xenophobia, Inter-cultural and Inter-religious Issues
- Charity Programme with Persatuan Rumah Kebajikan Baitul Kasih
- Economic Diplomacy Series 2/2015 : Negotiating International Economic Agreements
- A Sharing Session on Humanitarian Crisis in Syria
- MTCP Strategic Analysis for International Participants 2015
- Outreach, Information and Public Diplomacy Programme For Diplomatic Training Course For University Malaysia Sabah Student Ambassadors
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2015
- The New Intake for Master of Social Sciences in Strategy and Diplomacy Session 2015/2016
- The Workshop on Public International Law 2015
- Visit from the Foreign Delegations to IDFR
- DID 2015: Dinner Talk by His Royal Highness Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin Tuanku Muhriz
- Public Lecture by Ms. Helen Clark : Sustainable Development Goals: Key Considerations for a People-Centred ASEAN
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for ASEAN Junior Diplomats 2015
- The 10th Pok Rafeah Public Lecture: Goodbye Miracle Eight
- Economic Diplomacy Series 1/2016 "ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Together"
- Foreign Embassy And Delegation Visits For Future Collaboration With IDFR
- Public Lecture ‘Defining Islamic Statehood’ by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Cordoba Initiative, New York
- February 2016 Foreign Embassy And Delegation Visits To IDFR
- Opening Ceremony Of Diploma In Diplomacy 2016
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 1/2016
- Young Diplomats Programme for Johor Student Leaders’ Council
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (PKTM) : Diplomatic Training Course For International Participants 2016
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Perlantikan Pegawai Dan Pasangan Siri 2/2016
- Economic Diplomacy Series 2/2016 Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
- ASEAN Workshop 2016 For LAO PDR Officers
- Workshop on Public Diplomacy and Media Skills
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (PKTM): Crisis Management for International Participants 2016
- ASEAN Ambassador Lecture Series 1/2016 Vietnam's Economic Security By H.E. Pham Cao Phong
- Ambassadors' Tea Chat
- Visit To Karangkraf Media Group
- Panel Discussion 1: Petroleum in the World Economy
- Kursus ‘Pre-Posting Orientation Course For Home Based Staff And Spouses’ Di Bawah Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia Di Luar Negeri (SPKM) Bagi Pegawai 41 Dan Ke Atas 3/2016
- Diploma in Diplomacy 2016 : A session with Genovasi Malaysia
- IDFR’s Inaugural Cultural Appreciation Day
- MTCP: Strategic Analysis for International Participants 2016
- MTCP: Intercultural Awareness and Diplomacy Course 2016
- MTCP : Public Diplomacy for International Participants 2016
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Perlantikan Pegawai Dan Pasangan 4/2016
- IDFR Lecture Series 2/2016 : South China Sea: Post-Arbitration Ruling and Beyond
- Cultural Diplomacy Lecture Series (CDLS) 2: Cultural Diplomacy within ASEAN and Its Extramural Relations through Multilateral Organizations by Associate Professor Dr. Christopher Roberts, University of the New South Wales (UNSW)
- Cultural Diplomacy Lecture Series (CDLS) 3: Culture and Diplomacy by YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim
- Effective Presentation Skills 2/2016
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (PKTM): Kursus Latihan Pengurusan bagi Kakitangan Ambilan Tempatan 2016
- Workshop on Training Needs Analysis for English Language in Diplomatic Correspondence
- Leadership Course For Mid-Level Diplomats and Attaches
- Kursus Latihan Diplomatik Untuk Pegawai Sangkutan ASEAN 2016
- Workshop on Intercultural Communication and Diplomacy
- Jalinan Mesra Ikatan Ilmu Programme
- Say it Right: A Course on Pronunciation
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 1/2017
- Diplomatic Training Course for Saudi Young Diplomats 2017
- Siri Ceramah Diplomasi Budaya 1/2017: “The Interface between Religion and Culture”
- Program Diplomat Muda Majlis Pemimpin Pelajar Johor 2017
- Assessing China’s Future
- Workshop on Research Methodology
- Workshop on Designing, Engaging and Gamified Learning Experience
- Bengkel “Effective Writing for Research Officers and Trainers – Quantitative Analysis”
- Ambassador Lecture Series 2/2017: “Bosnia and Herzegovina and European and Euro-Atlantic Integrations”
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam dan Kemahiran Media
- Kursus Royalty and Palace Protocol 2017
- IDFR’s Royal Address
- Malaysia’s Membership at the UN Security Council, 2015-2016: Session with MFA’s Secretary General
- Cultural Appreciation Day 2017
- Malaysia-Australia Young Diplomats Roundtable 2017
- Leadership Course for Mid-level Diplomats and Attachés
- Interactive Session with His Excellency Ambassador (R) Dr. Bhaskar Balakrishnan
- Panel Discussion: "Empowering Women, Empowering Malaysia"
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Economic Diplomacy for International Participants 2017
- Workshop for Liaison Officers for Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9)
- Economic Diplomacy Series (EDS) “Negotiation Issues on Food Labels (Malaysia): Case On Halal”
- IDFR Lecture Series 2/2017 “The ASEAN-Australia Relationship and the 2018 Special Summit”
- International Negotiations Workshop 2017
- Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding with Universiti Teknologi MARA
- Graduation Ceremony of the Diploma in Diplomacy 2017
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 1/2018
- Course on Strategic Analysis for Malaysian Participants
- Young Diplomats Programme for Johor Student Leaders Council (JSLC)
- Majlis Perasmian Diploma Diplomasi (DiD) 2018
- MTCP: Workshop on APEC for Papua New Guinea Officials
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 2/2018
- Ambassador Lecture Series 1/2018: “UK Post-Brexit: Implications to UK-Malaysia and UK-ASEAN Relations”
- International Negotiations Workshop 2018
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2018
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 3/2018
- IDFR Lecture Series 1/2018: China’s Rise and Asian Regionalism: Implications for ASEAN and Malaysia
- Economic Diplomacy Series 1/2018: International Economics and Implication on National Economic Management
- MTCP: Economic Diplomacy Course for Vietnamese Officials 2018
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam dan Kemahiran Media
- MTCP: Economic Diplomacy for International Participants 2018
- Diplomatic Training Course for ASEAN Attachment Officers 2018
- Cultural Appreciation Day 2018
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan Pegawai dan Pasangan 4/2018
- "Cultural Diplomacy is the most honest diplomacy" – YAM Tunku Zain Al-‘Abidin
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam dan Kemahiran Media 2/2018
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2018
- IDFR Lecture Series 3/2018: “Europe and Asia: Partners in Security and Connectivity”
- Bengkel "Dealing with the Media"
- Majlis Penganugerahan Diploma Diplomasi (DiD) 2018
- Siri Syarahan IDFR 4/2018: “U.S-Malaysia Relations: Past, Present and Future Direction”
- Majlis Perasmian "Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2019"
- Seminar "Malaysia-China Trade and Investment: Challenges, Opportunities and the Way Forward"
- Kursus "Strategic Analysis for Malaysian Participants 2019"
- IDFR-ICRC Luncheon Talk
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan Pegawai dan Pasangan 1/2019
- Diploma in Diplomacy 2019: Program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) dan Seranta di Kuching, Sarawak
- “The definition of Art and Culture is broad, almost endless” – Ambassador Dato’ Mohd Yusof Ahmad
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 2/2019
- Kursus Asas Bahasa Inggeris untuk Pembantu Tadbir Kementerian Luar Negeri
- Kursus Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Praktikal untuk Pegawai Eksekutif Kementerian Luar Negeri
- Majlis Perpisahan Ketua Pengarah IDFR, YBhg. Datuk Mohamad Sadik Kethergany
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2019
- Kursus Kepimpinan untuk Diplomat Peringkat Pertengahan 2019
- Kursus "Crisis Management Course for Senior Officers 2019"
- Grammar Made Easy: A Workplace English Grammar Workshop Level 1
- Session with the Association of Former Malaysian Ambassadors (AFMA) on Malaysia’s Foreign Policy
- Bengkel Perundingan Antarabangsa 2019
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 3/2019
- MTCP: Intercultural Awareness and Diplomacy Course 2019
- MTCP: Economic Diplomacy Course for International Participants 2019
- Cultural Appreciation Day 2019
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam dan Kemahiran Media 2019
- Ambassador Lecture Series (ALS) 1/2019
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 4/2019
- Grammar Made Easy: A Workplace English Grammar Workshop (Level 2)
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 5/2019
- Forum on Global Issues 2019
- Reflecting the Past: Malaysia – China Relations… The Undocumented
- Duta Belia
- Reflecting the Past: The Rio Earth Summit 1992… Stories behind the Scenes
- Say It Right: A Course on Pronunciation
- Ambassador Lecture Series 1/2020: Viet Nam’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2020: Key Deliverables
- Leadership Course for Mid-Level Diplomats 2020
- Economic Diplomacy Series 1/2020: "Malaysia and COVID-19: From Lockdown to Economic Recovery"
- Engagement with the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)
- Sesi Taklimat oleh Malaysia-China Chambers of Commerce (MCCC)
- Kursus Perundingan Antarabangsa untuk Para Pegawai Muda
- Program Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) di Melaka
- Breakfast Talk – Priorities of Management Services in Foreign Affairs
- IDFR Lecture Series 1/2020
- Kemahiran Pembentangan di Tempat Kerja
- IDFR Lecture Series 2/2020
- Bengkel Kemahiran Media untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan 2020
- Dinner Talk by YBhg. Dato’ Sri Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob, Secretary-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- ASEAN Diplomatic Attachment Training Programme 2020
- Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Johor
- SPKM Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 1/2020
- Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2020: Defending the National Interests (DNI)
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Economic Diplomacy 2020
- Diploma in Diplomacy 2020’s Graduation Ceremony
- SPKM Kursus Orientasi Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 2/2020
- Economic Diplomacy Workshop for Malaysian Participants 2020
- Economic Diplomacy Series 2/2020
- The Commencement of Diploma in Diplomacy 1/2021
- D-8 Economic Diplomacy Online Training Workshop
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 1/2021
- Say It Right: A Course on Pronunciation, 9-11 Februari 2021
- Strategic and Security Analysis Course, 23-25 February 2021
- Ambassador Lecture Series 1/2021: Brexit & Its Implications for Southeast Asia
- Orientation Course for Heads of Mission & Their Spouses (HOMC) 2021
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 2/2021
- Kursus Kepimpinan untuk Pegawai Diplomat Peringkat Pertengahan 2021
- Kursus Kepimpinan bagi Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan: Membentuk Pemimpin Hari Ini untuk Hari Esok
- Ambassador Lecture Series 2/2021: Shedding Light on the Question of Palestine
- MTCP: Kursus Diplomasi Ekonomi untuk Peserta Antarabangsa 2021
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 3/2021
- IDFR Lecture Series 1/2021: The Biden Presidency and U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia
- Sesi Perkongsian bersama Diplomat: Things to Know Before You Go Abroad
- Kursus Diplomasi Ekonomi 2021
- MTCP: Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2021
- Economic Diplomacy Series (EDS) 1/2021: Malaysia-China Economic Relations: Opportunities and Challenges
- EU/IDFR-ASEAN Economic Diplomacy Course 2021
- Pelancaran Buku Secara Maya: "Economic Diplomacy for Developing Asia"
- Kursus Perundingan untuk Pegawai Muda 2021
- Media and Malaysia Foreign Policy Course: Synergy in the Global Frontier
- Kursus Perundingan untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan
- Presentation Skills at the Workplace 2021
- IDFR Forum 2021: “Post-COVID World: Mind The Gaps!”
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam untuk Pegawai Muda 2021
- Duta Belia: Malaysia Future Leaders School (MFLS) Tier 3 2021
- Bengkel Penulisan Bahasa Inggeris 2021
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 5/2021
- Economic Diplomacy Series 2/2021: The Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint and the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030
- Young Scholar Diplomacy Attachment Programme 2021
- Siri Ceramah Diplomasi Budaya IDFR (CDLS) 2021
- Anugerah Buku IDFR-Albukhary 2021
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 1/2022
- Say It Right: A Course on Pronunciation
- Majlis Pembukaan Program Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 1/2022
- Siri Syarahan IDFR 1/2022
- Kursus Perundingan untuk Pegawai Muda 2022
- High Tea Talk with Tan Sri Dr Mazlan Othman
- Cultural Diplomacy Lecture Series 1/2022
- Kursus Fotografi DSLR
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 2/2022
- Bengkel Persediaan dan Pengurusan Krisis
- Kursus Kepimpinan untuk Pegawai Muda 2022
- MTCP: Kursus Latihan Diplomatik untuk Peserta Antarabangsa 2022
- An Induction for Foreign Diplomats in Malaysia: Malaysia’s Culture and Identity
- Presentation Skills at the Workplace
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 3/2022
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam untuk Pegawai Muda
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 4/2022
- Kursus Perundingan untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan
- Siri Syarahan IDFR 2/2022
- SPKM: Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 5/2022
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): 'Economic Diplomacy Course for International Participants 2022'
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): Kursus Media dan Diplomasi Awam untuk Peserta Antarabangsa 2022
- Kursus Diplomasi Ekonomi 2022
- Pelancaran Buku 'Daftar Istilah Diplomasi dan Hubungan Antarabangsa'
- Bengkel Kemahiran Media untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): ‘Diplomatic Training Course for the State of Palestine Participants 2022’
- English Writing Workshop
- Kursus Kepimpinan untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan
- Bengkel Pengemaskinian Prosedur Operasi Standard untuk Pengurusan Krisis
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan (SPKM) Siri 6/2022
- Kursus 'Strategic and Security Analysis'
- Course on the International Front
- 2nd EU-IDFR Diplomacy Course 2022: 45 Years of ASEAN-EU Relations and the Road Ahead
- Kursus Kesiapsiagaan dan Pengurusan Krisis
- SiMPLE: Special Malay Proficiency Language Enhancement Programme
- Perbincangan Meja Bulat 'Feminist Foreign Policy: Lens from Asia'
- Ceramah Khas oleh Sir Mark Moody-Stuart
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan (SPKM) 1/2023
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan (SPKM) 2/2023
- Say It Right: A Course on Pronunciation
- Negotiation Course for Junior Level Officers
- PWP: Professional Writing Programme 2023
- An Induction for Foreign Diplomats in Malaysia: Malaysia's Culture and Identity
- Kursus Kesiapsiagaan dan Pengurusan Krisis
- Workshop on Lobbying Efforts
- Introduction to Knowledge Management Course
- Kursus Kepimpinan untuk Pegawai Peringkat Rendah
- Public Diplomacy Workshop for Junior Level Officers
- The International Protocol and Diplomacy Course For Minister's Senior Private Secretary
- SPEED: Bengkel Pembangunan Bahasa Inggeris untuk Setiausaha dan Pembantu Peribadi
- Program MAD - ‘Making A Difference’ (Program Perubahan Minda)
- Course on Intercultural Communication and Cultural Diplomacy (CICAD)
- Kemahiran Pembentangan Dalam Bahasa Inggeris Di Tempat Kerja
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan (SPKM) Siri 3/2023
- Course on the International Front Siri 1/2023
- International Day of Women in Diplomacy 2023 (Women In Diplomacy: A Spectrum of Opportunities Forum)
- IDFR Distinguished Lecture Series 2023: Professor Kishore Mahbubani
- Media Skills Workshop for Mid-Level Officers 2023
- International Diplomacy: Communication and Culture (CIDCC)
- SiMPLE: Special Malay Proficiency Language Enhancement Programme Series 1/2023
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2023
- Kursus Perundingan Pegawai Pertengahan 2023
- Kursus Induk Perundingan Pegawai Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): Diplomasi Budaya 2023
- Course on the International Front Series 2/2023
- SPKM: Kursus Orientasi Pra Penempatan Untuk Pegawai dan Pasangan 5/2023
- IDFR Lecture Series 3/2023 by Prof Gareth Evans
- Zimbabwe Foreign Service Institute (ZFSI) Benchmark Visit to IDFR
- MCD: Menguasai Komunikasi secara Diplomasi
- Kursus Kepimpinan Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan 2023
- IDFR Retreat 2023
- Workshops on Social Media and Branding
- Benchmarking Visit from the Foreign Service Institute of Ghana (FSI)
- French Level 1 2023
- Arabic Level 1 2023
- Diplomatic Training Programme for Timor-Leste Participants
- IDFR Book Launch Titled ‘Diplomacy Through The Pandemic’ and ‘Economic Diplomacy for Developing Asia’
- Diplomatic Training Programme for Iraqi Participants
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Ketua Perwakilan Diplomatik Malaysia dan Pasangan
- Training Course in Product & Brand Management tailored for Lao PDR
- Majlis Perasmian DiD 2023
- Lawatan ke SUK dan Program CSR
- Program Penempatan di Pejabat Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia, New Delhi
- Majlis Graduasi DiD 2023
- An Induction for Foreign Diplomats in Malaysia: Malaysia's Culture and Identity
- Let’s Communicate! Siri I dan II
- Say It Right: A Course on Pronunciation
- SPEED: Secretaries and Personal Assistants Essential English Development Workshop
- ASEAN 2025: Workshop On Language of Meetings And Negotiations
- Economic Diplomacy Course
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan Untuk Pegawai-Pegawai Home-Based Staff serta Pasangan di bawah Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia di Luar Negara Siri 1/2024 (Gred 41 dan ke atas)
- Negotiation Course for Junior Officers
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course for Central Asian Countries 2024
- Leadership Course for Junior Officers
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan Untuk Pegawai-Pegawai Home Based Staff serta Pasangan Siri 2/2024 (Gred 38 dan ke bawah)
- Presentation Skills at The Workplace
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants 2024
- A Partnership For The Future: ASEAN-Australia Ties After The First 50 Years
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): Kursus Perundingan Antarabangsa
- PWP: Professional Writing Programme 2024
- Forum on “The Future of ASEAN Under Malaysia's Chairmanship”
- Official Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to IDFR
- Course on Intercultural Communication and Cultural Diplomacy 2024 (CICAD)
- Visit from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam
- Speech Writing Workshop 2024
- Ceramah “Pembangunan Kapasiti: Penerokaan Peluang Pengajian Siswazah di Universiti Putra Malaysia untuk Kakitangan IDFR”
- Perbincangan Meja Bulat “Gaza and International Order: Diplomatic Challenges”
- Negotiation Course for Mid-Level Officers
- SiMPLE (Program Pemantapan Bahasa Penguasaan Bahasa Melayu Khas) Siri 1/2024
- Public Diplomacy Course for Junior Officers 2024
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan Untuk Pegawai-Pegawai Home Based serta Pasangan Siri 3/2024 (Gred 41 dan ke atas)
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai-Pegawai Home Based serta Pasangan di bawah Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia di Luar Negara siri 4/2024 (SPKM 4/2024)
- Importance of Knowledge Culture in Leadership: A Civilisational Perspective
- Kursus Pra-Penempatan untuk Pegawai-Pegawai Home-Based dan Pasangan Gred 41 dan ke atas SPKM Siri 5/2024
- Leadership Course for Mid-Level Officers
- Bengkel Kemahiran Media untuk Pegawai Peringkat Pertengahan 2024
- Bengkel Penulisan Strategik
- Program Kerjasama Teknikal Malaysia (MTCP): Protokol dan Etiket untuk Pegawai Timor Leste dan Program Latihan Bahasa Inggeris dan Mediasi Diplomatik (ETDMP)
- Arabic Language Basic Communication Course 2024
- Arabic Language Level 2 2024
- Course on Grooming, Etiquette, and Fine Dining for CLCD Staff
- French Language Basic Communication Course 2024
- French Language Level 2 Course 2024
- German Language Basic Communication 2024
- German Language Level 2 Course 2024
- IDFR Distinguished Lecture Series 2024: Tuan Yang Terutama Dave Malcomson High Commissioner Of South Africa To Malaysia ‘Diplomacy In An Era Of Geopolitical Contestation’
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Economic Diplomacy Course for International Participants 2024
- SiMPLE (Program Pemantapan Bahasa Penguasaan Bahasa Melayu Khas) Siri 2/2024
- Crisis Management and Preparedness (Diploma in Diplomacy 2024)
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course for Timor-Leste Officials
- Kursus Analisis Strategik dan Keselamatan
- Syarahan Umum oleh Tuan Yang Terutama Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, Perdana Menteri Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste
- Pelancaran Buku IDFR: "From Hate to Hope – A Holistic Approach to Address Hate Speech"
- Trivia Diplomasi
- Statistik
- Pencapaian Piagam Pelanggan
- Arkib Pencapaian Piagam Pelanggan
- Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Atas Talian 2013
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Atas Talian 2012
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Atas Talian 2011
- Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2015
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2014
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2016
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2017
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2023
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2018
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2019
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2024
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2020
- Laporan Statistik Perkhidmatan Dalam Talian 2021
- Report of Statistic Online Services 2022
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- Archived Articles
- Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD)
- Tan Sri Hasmy Agam's Farewell
- Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa Bids Farewell to IDFR
- Briefing to BAKTI Members On First Ladies Summit
- IDFR’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House Celebration
- Marathon Muzik kanak-kanak istimewa
- Hari Inovasi Kementerian Luar Negeri 2010
- Keynote Address By HRH Raja Dr Nazrin Shah on “The Emergence of China and India as Global Powers and Its Impact on International Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific Region”
- Arkib Keratan Akhbar
- Brainstorming Session, Puncak Rimba, Bukit Tinggi
- Lawatan T.Y.T Dr. Georges Pinto Rebelo Chicoty
- IDFR Badminton Open
- Sebutharga Membekal, Menghantar, Memasang, Menguji, Mentauliah Dan Menyelenggara ( Dalam Tempoh Jaminan ) Peralatan Kiosk Untuk IDFR
- Talk By His Excellency Simon Featherstone, British High Commisioner To Malaysia On “Globalised Diplomacy – Diplomats Of The 21st Century”
- Lawatan Delegasi SIFA, Thailand ke IDFR
- Book Launch "Malaysia’s Foreign Policy the First Fifty Years : Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism" Written by Prof. Dr. Johan Saravanamuttu
- A Session with Yang Amat Berbahagia Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, 11 April 2011, Putrajaya
- Pembinaan Bahasa Inggeris Yang Baik -1/2011
- Majlis Perasmian Bazar Amal Antarabangsa Wisma Putra 2011 Oleh Y. Bhg. Datin Sri Siti Rubiah Datuk Abdul Samad, Penaung PERWAKILAN
- Ucapan di UIC UiTM Shah Alam
- Public Lecture by H.E. Mario Nobilo, State Secretary for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Republic of Croatia, entitled, “From Peacekeeping to Peacemaking – A Story of Transformation in the Former Yugoslavia”
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Officers and Spouses 2/2011
- Workshop on Introduction to Public International Law
- Effective Speaking Skills 1/2011
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa Bagi Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 2/2010
- Roundtable Discussion by H.E. Lyudmila G. Vorobyeva, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Malaysia, entitled, “Russia’s Strategic Interest And Role In The Asia Pacific”
- Public Lecture on “Challenges to Multilateralism”
- On Effective Writing Skills 13-17 June 2011.
- Seminar: Perspectives on Islam and the West – The Need for Cultivating Moderate Outlooks
- Intellectual Discourse On Science Policy-Taiwan’s Experience In STI Advisory
- English Language Course Training Of Trainers For Officers From Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- Mid-Career Course For Diplomats
- Dinner Talk: Capacity Building For International Trade Negotiations
- Roundtable Discussion: “Egypt Today and its Future Challenges and Prospects”
- SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course For Officers And Spouses 3/2011
- Akademi Sains Malaysia (ASM) Eminent Person’s Lecture by Dr. Rita Colwell, U.S. Science Envoy, entitled, “Promoting Science Diplomacy through Scientific Collaboration”
- Dinner Talk By YBhg. Tan Sri Abu Bakar Haji Abdullah, Director General Public Service, Malaysia In Completion The Orientation Course For Heads Of Mission And Their Spouses
- NADIM Programme – Science Of Balance
- Special Talk In Conjunction With Nuzul Al-Quran’s Celebration
- Khatam Al-Quran And Closing Ceremony Of Ihya’ Ramadhan Celebrations
- ASEAN Lecture Series : ASEAN Anniversary Forum 2011
- Conversational Malay Course
- Mandarin Level 1
- IDFR’s Hari Raya Aildilfitri Celebration
- Kursus Orientasi Bagi Pembantu Khas Dan Pembantu Tadbir Kesetiausahaan
- Kursus Kemahiran Berpidato Secara Berkesan 2/2011
- Forum Antarabangsa bagi Latihan Diplomatik (IFDT) ke-39
- Interview On Sudut Pandang, Astro Awani Peace And Security: Islamic Perspectives
- Public Lecture “Current Issues in Syria and Developments in the Region” by H.E. Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban Presidential, Political and Media Adviser Special Envoy of the President of the Syrian Arab Republic
- The Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants Series 2/2011
- Crisis Management Course for International Participants.
- Commonwealth Regional Programme On Diplomatic Training 2011
- Effective Writing Skills 2/2011
- Public Lecture “Chilean Foreign Policy: Principles and Challenges for a Global World”
- Teambuilding And Motivational Programme
- Strategic Analysis Course For International Participants 2011
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa Untuk Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 1/2011
- Workshop on Public Diplomacy and Media Skills 2/2011
- “The Middle East Crisis” by H.E Dr. Mostafa Dolatyar Director General Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) The Islamic Republic of Iran
- Public Lecture:The Current Situation in Palestine
- Hari UNESCO Malaysia 2011
- The ISIS Praxis Seminar 2011
- Maritime Diplomacy Course from 5 - 8 December 2011
- Building Blocks of Good English 2/2011
- Workshop on Maritime Diplomacy
- “Current Regional Issues” By Y.A.Bhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Former Prime Minister Of Malaysia
- “The Current Situation in Palestine” by H.E Abdullah Abdullah Head of the Political Committee of the Legislative Council and Member of the Revolutionary Council of the Palestinian Liberation Movement (FATEH)”
- Johor Student Leaders Council (JSLC) “Young Diplomats Programme”
- Bengkel Klasifikasi Fail
- Kursus Latihan Diplomat Muda Asean-China
- Kursus Protokol dan Etiket IDFR
- The 2nd Australia-Malaysia Dialogue, Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University, Bundoora Campus , Research and Development Park (R&D) Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
- “The Malaysian Formula – Managing Economic And Political Transformation”, Lawatan Ke Jabatan Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa Dan Perdagangan (DFAT) Dan Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra Australia.
- Rumah Titian Kasih
- Networking Visit Of ASWARA to IDFR
- IDFR New Year Address And Barbecue Luncheon
- Menghadap Sembah Ke Bawah Duli Yang Teramat Mulia
- National-Level 1433H Maulidur Rasul Celebration
- Perhimpunan Bulanan Wisma Putra di Dewan Serbaguna
- Appointment of Her Excellency Ambassador Aminahtun Haji A.Karim
- Forum On Nuclear Energy As An Option For Malaysia, IDFR
- International Conference on Education in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
- Invitation to Lecture at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
- Courtesy call on the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Uzbekistan
- Workshop On Public Diplomacy and Media Skills Series 1/2012
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa Bagi Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 1/2011
- SPKM Pre-Posting Orientation Course For Officers And Spouses Series 1/2012
- SAY IT RIGHT: A Course in Pronunciation 1/2012
- Town Hall Session With The Chief Secretary To The Government
- Perhimpunan Khas Penjawat Awam bersama Perdana Menteri Malaysia
- Malaysia-Indonesia/Thailand/Vietnam Relations Towards Strengthening Asean Regionalism - Asean: The Way Forward
- Diploma in Public Management (Diploma Pengurusan Awam/DPA): Dinner Talk by YBhg. Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, Director General of the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR)
- Farewell Moment
- Special Address by His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations on " Malaysia and the United Nations in a Changing World"
- Roundtable Discussion entitled “ The Strenghtening of Bilateral Relationship between Ukraine and Malaysia as part of the Foreign Policy of Ukraine in South-East Asia”
- Effective Presentation Skills 1 /2012
- Kursus Effective Presentation Skills 1/2012
- Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants Series 1/2012
- Public Lecture entitled "Cordoba Initiative: Its Mission in Healing U.S. – Muslim World Relations"
- 9th ASEAN Leadership Forum “One Community, One Destiny – Growing ASEAN For Shared Prosperity” April 4 – 6, 2012 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Visit to the Parliament of Malaysia
- Roundtable Discussion entitled “Commonwealth Renewal from the Canadian Perspective”
- Orientation Course for Secretaries 16 - 27 April 2012
- Kursus ‘Effective Writing Skills’
- French Level VII 25 April 2011 – 25 April 2012
- Lawatan Ke Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur Kali Ke - 31
- The Launch of Malaysian Diplomats: Our Stories Vol. 1
- Panel Discussion on Economic Diplomacy : Treaty Room, Institute of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations (IDFR)
- Talk on Social Etiquette and Social Behaviour by YAM Tunku Dara Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Naquiah binti Almarhum Tuanku Ja’afar
- The First International Seminar On Malaysian-Thai Studies (ISMATS 2012)
- Visit by H.E Hiba Mahmoud Sadiq Fareed, State Minister of Human Resources Development of Sudan to IDFR
- ‘Experience of a Diplomat’- A Talk In IIUM
- SPKM Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Officers and Spouses 2/2012 (7 – 18 May 2012)
- Roundtable Discussion Entitled “A Snapshot of Democracy in Asean” on 23 May 2012
- Seminar on The Development of National Human Rights Plan of Action for Malaysia
- The 15th Dubrovnik Diplomatic Forum
- Interpersonal Skills and Cross Cultural Communication Course by Dato’ Mahadzir Lokman
- Visit from the Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM) on 5th June 2012
- Attachment at Parliament and Constituency
- Sebut Harga - Menganalisa, merekabentuk, membangun, membekal, menguji, melatih dan mentauliah bagi kerja-kerja menaik taraf aplikasi sistem Permohonan Kursus dan Pengurusan Asrama IDFR
- English for Communication for Executive Officers & Personal Assistants of Wisma Putra
- Launching of 2012 Color Theory Exhibition at UiTM
- Kami Prihatin
- Once a diplomat, forever a diplomat!
- Crisis Management Course for International Participants 2012
- Guardian Angels CSR Programme
- Study Visit of the Master of Social Sciences (Strategy and Diplomacy) Students to Langkawi Island, Kedah Darul Aman and Wang Kelian, Perlis
- Orientation Course for Heads of Mission and Their Spouses 25 – 29 June 2012
- Globalised Diplomats of the 21st Century by Mr. Kishan S. Rana
- SPKM Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Officers and Spouses 3/2012 (2 – 13 July 2012)
- Royal Address by IDFR’s Royal Patron, 11 July 2012
- Amazing Thailand
- The Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2012: Attachment at Mission Programme - Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, 14 - 21 July 2012
- Meeting of minds on Malaysia’s Preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015, Narathip Auditorium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand
- Flag-Raising Ceremony
- Bicara ilmu by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Haji Hazaruddin Bin Haji Baharuddin, Grand Imam, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque, Putrajaya
- Lawatan ke Kompleks Kraftangan Malaysia
- Bicara Ilmu by Encik Zarizal Bin Ahmad, Assistant Commissioner, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)
- Visit from The Foreign Service Academy of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bangladesh on 2 August 2012
- Defending National Interests 6-10 August 2012
- Iftar at Istana Iskandariah
- Tadarus Al-Quran Sempena Aktiviti Ramadhan 1433H
- Bicara Merdeka Programme and a Session with The Chief Secretary to The Government of Malaysia 14th August 2012, Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC)
- Session with H.E. Ong Keng Yong – The Globalised Diplomacy – Diplomats of the 21st Century
- Talk on Malaysia - US Bilateral Relations by H.E. Ambassador Datuk Paul W. Jones
- 1st Roundtable Conference on Malaysia-Cambodia/Laos/Myanmar Relations towards Strengthening ASEAN through Multi-channel Dialogue 27 - 28 August 2012
- Opening Ceremony of the 13th Asian Bioethics Conference Concurrent with the Sixth UNESCO Asia-Pacific School of Ethics Roundtable 27 – 30 August 2012
- Strategic Negotiations for the Joint Ministerial Committee for Iskandar Malaysia (JMCIM-IRDA) 3 – 4 September 2012
- 4th OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Membership Conference
- Orientation Course For Spouses Of Malaysian Diplomats September – December 2012
- IDFR’s Aidilfitri Celebration 6 September 2012
- IDFR versus DiD 2012 in Friendly Futsal Game
- Dinner for Participants, 18 September 2012
- Specialised Diplomatic Training Course for Libyan Diplomatic Officers
- The Strategic Analysis 2012 Course Ends on a High Note
- Mid-Career Course for Diplomats
- Farewell Dinner for Graduates of Master of Social Sciences (Strategy and Diplomacy) Session 2011/2012
- Effective Presentation Skills 2/2012
- International Forum on Diplomatic Training : 40th Meeting of Deans and Directors of Diplomatic Academies and School of International Affairs, Baku, Azerbaijan
- Persidangan CIO 2012
- The Baky International Humanitarian Forum
- The ASEAN Anniversary Forum 2012
- Teambuilding and Motivational Programme Series 1 (A)
- Seminar Peningkatan Daya Saing Melalui Kreativiti Dan Inovasi
- Diploma in Diplomacy 2012 Graduation Ceremony
- Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke USS George Washington CVN-73
- Dua Pegawai IDFR Lulus Pengajian Diploma Terjemahan
- Lawatan Delegasi Dari Agensi Pembangunan dan Analisis Polisi, Kementerian Luar Negeri, Republik Indonesia
- Lawatan Delegasi Dari Agensi Pembangunan dan Analisis Polisi, Kementerian Luar Negeri, Republik Indonesia
- Program Motivasi dan Pembinaan Pasukan Siri 2
- Program Motivasi dan Pembinaan Pasukan Siri 2
- UUM’s “Collaboration Award” for the Director General of IDFR
- UUM’s “Collaboration Award” for the Director General of IDFR
- Building Blocks of Good English 2012
- Building Blocks of Good English 2012
- Penutupan Kursus Latihan Diplomatik untuk Peserta Antarabangsa Siri 2/2012
- Completion of The Diplomatic Training Course for International Participants Series 2/2012
- Foreign Investment Protection and Domestic Policy Goals
- Foreign Investment Protection and Domestic Policy Goals
- Teambuilding and Motivational Programme Series 3
- The first Series of HRH Raja Nazrin Shah, the Crown Prince of Perak on the Humanitarian Lecture Series entitled “The Role of Regional Networks in Humanitarian Aid”
- The first Series of HRH Raja Nazrin Shah, the Crown Prince of Perak on the Humanitarian Lecture Series entitled “The Role of Regional Networks in Humanitarian Aid”
- Lawatan Sambil Belajar oleh Delegasi dari Lembaga Pertahanan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Lemhanas RI) ke IDFR
- Study Visit by the delegation from the National Resilience Institute of the Republic of Indonesia to IDFR
- Distinguished Lecture by His Excellency Dr Surin Pitsuwan “Raising the ASEAN Value through the Concept of Global Movement of Moderates”
- Ceramah Perdana oleh Tuan Yang Terutama Dr Surin Pitsuwan “Raising the ASEAN Value through the Concept of Global Movement of Moderates”
- A Talk On ‘Malaysia’s Foreign Policy’ To The Participants of Perdana Leader
- Ceramah 'Malaysia Foreign Policy' Kepada Para Peserta Pemimpin Perdana
- Efffective Writing Skills 2/2012
- Kemahiran Penulisan Berkesan 2/2012
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa Bagi Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 1/2012
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa Bagi Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 1/2012
- Perpustakaan IDFR menerima Anugerah Perpustakaan Gunasama Cemerlang 2011
- Lawatan Sambil Belajar oleh Para Peserta 'Program Pemimpin Perdana' ke IDFR
- Persidangan Antarabangsa ‘9/11 Revisited – Seeking the Truth’
- Commonwealth Regional Programme on Diplomatic Training 2012
- Diplomatic Training Course For Myanmar Officials
- Public Forum on “The Alliance of Civilisation: Its Significance for Asia in the 21st Century”
- Challenges in Conflict Prevention
- International Day of Solidarity with The Palestinian People
- Jadual Program - Persidangan Meja Bulat, 3 - 4 Disember 2012
- The 4th International Conference on International Studies 2012
- Roundtable Conference on Malaysia’s Relations with Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines and Singapore towards Strengthening ASEAN through Multi-channel Dialogue
- Kursus Orientasi Bagi Ketua-Ketua Perwakilan Malaysia Dan Pasangan, Siri 2/2012
- Director General of IDFR’s Working Visit to Paris, France
- The ASEAN Youth Workshop on ASEAN Community “Unity in Diversity” Centre for Policy Research & International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Kursus Latihan Diplomatik (DTC) untuk Para Pegawai dari Myanmar
- Seminar Penilaian Laman Web dan Portal Agensi Kerajaan 2012
- Pengalaman Seorang Diplomat
- Majlis Penyampaian Diploma
- Syarahan Umum Bertajuk ”Better Understanding Of The Current Arab Spring – A Change Or A Radical Change?” di IDFR
- Forum Perdagangan Antarabangsa Dalam Abad 21
- Sambutan Hari Antarabangsa Bagi Menangani Keganasan Terhadap Wanita
- Kursus Orientasi Bagi Pasangan Diplomat Malaysia September - Disember 2012
- Hari Inovasi Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka 2012
- Majlis Amanat Ketua Pengarah
- Bengkel Diplomasi Awam dan Kemahiran Media 1/2013
- Ceramah mengenai Langkah-Langkah Keselamatan Kebakaran
- Visit of the Delegation from Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Thailand
- Majlis Amanat Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tahun 2013
- “Euro Zone Crisis: The Outlook for Europe in 2013 and Its Global Impact”
- Forum bertajuk "Middle East Revisited: Geo Strategic Implications, Democratic Transformation Challenge and the Economic Development Potential (Case of Egypt)"
- Invitation to Present Lectures at ISTEDOD Foundation of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
- Say It Right
- Visit By Professor Bae Geung-Chan, The Director Of The Institute Of Foreign Affairs And National Security (IFANS) Republic Of Korea
- Media Conference on Malaysia’s Trade Performance 2012 by YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister of International Trade and Industry
- IDFR Distinguished Fellows Meeting
- Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Officers and Spouses 1/2013
- Modul Hubungan Antarabangsa bagi Peserta Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA) 1/2013
- Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD) 2013
- Group Dynamics
- Experience of a Diplomat
- Building Blocks of Good English
- Innovative Thinking
- Fine Dining Practicum
- Interpersonal Skills and Cross Cultural Communication
- Ceramah Eksekutif INTAN bertajuk 'Leadership and Human Governance'
- Bengkel Diplomasi bagi Peserta Institut Antarabangsa untuk Perpaduan Umat Islam (IIMU)
- Hari Komanwel Tahun 2013 "Komanwel: Peluang Melalui Perusahaan"
- Ucaptama Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia Mengenai Ekonomi Malaysia dan Perbincangan Panel
- Seminar on Asean Comphrehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA)
- Diplomatic Training Course (DTC) for International Participants
- Study Visit to the Kuala Lumpur Craft Complex
- Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Istana Negara, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur
- Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Thailand
- Workshop on Introduction to Public International Law
- Effective Presentation Skills 1/2013
- Closing and Hand-Over Ceremony of The Photo Exhibit “Peace Corps in Malaysia: 50 Years of Enduring Friendship, 1962 – 2012
- Orientation Course for Secretaries
- Intermediate and Advanced Speech Writing Course
- Forum on Australia’s Multicultural Identity in the Asian Century
- Beach Cleaning Project in Conjunction with “Mobile Community Transformation Centre (CTC) Programme”
- Bengkel Pelan Strategik ICT (ISP), IDFR 2013 - 2015 (Siri 1)
- Majlis Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Kementerian Luar Negeri
- Malaysia-Australia Young Diplomats Roundtable
- Pre Posting Orientation Course For Officers And Spouses Under Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia Di Luar Negara (SPKM)
- Forum Keamanan dan Keselamatan 2013
- Say It Right 2/2013
- Ceramah “SEARCCT’s Looking Back” Siri 1/2013
- Persidangan Keselamatan ICT Sektor Awam 2013
- The Diplomatic Training Course for Myanmar Officers in Nay Pwi Taw, Myanmar
- Attachment at the Embassy of Malaysia in Manila, Republic of the Philippines
- Attachment at the Embassy of Malaysia in Hanoi, Vietnam
- Perhimpunan Bulanan Bersama-sama Menteri dan Timbalan Menteri Kementerian Luar Negeri
- International Relations Module For PTD Cadet 2013
- Lawatan Pertama Timbalan Menteri Luar Negeri ke IDFR
- English Language Development Programme for Officials from The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of The Union of Myanmar
- Makmal Daftar Aset Khusus (DAK) bagi Aset Tak Alih Kerajaan Kementerian Luar Negeri
- Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam
- Mesyuarat Kick Off bagi Pelan Strategik ICT (ISP), IDFR 2013 – 2015
- Fine Dining Practicum For Participants Of Diploma In Diplomacy (DiD) 2/2013
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Crisis Management For International Participants
- Effective Writing Skills 1/12013
- Practical English Language Skills for the Implementor Group of Wisma Putra
- Lawatan Menteri Perkhidmatan Awam dan Insurans, Republik Yemen ke IDFR
- Bengkel Pelan Strategik ICT (ISP), IDFR 2013 – 2015 (Siri 2)
- Practical English Language Skills for Implementer Group Officers Wisma Putra 2013
- Roundtable Conference: Strengthening Regional Integration in ASEAN through multi-channel Dialogue
- Forum on OIC Trade Integration
- Report on The Study Visit to Parliament Malaysia: Panel Discussion I – Members of Dewan Rakyat
- Konvensyen Perpustakaan SeMalaysia 2013
- English Training Programme for Devawongse Varopakarn Institute of Foreign Affairs, Thailand
- Seminar Transformasi, Inovasi dan Kreativiti di Perpustakaan
- Majlis Amanat Ketua Pengarah IDFR Sempena Ramadhan
- The Grand Opening Ceremony of Australs
- Skype Conference with LSE
- Discourse on Alamtologi
- The 10th ASEAN Leadership Forum
- Majlis Iftar
- Iftar at Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar
- The Rally of Malaysian NGO’s to Help The Palestinian
- Program Lawatan Sambil Belajar ke Sabah, Program Sarjana Sains Sosial (Strategi dan Diplomasi) Sesi 2012/2013, Institut Diplomasi dan Hubungan Luar Negeri
- Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP): Diplomatic Training Course For The Diplomats From The Pacific Island Forum Member Countries
- August Monthly Assembly at Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Director General’s Farewell
- IDFR’s Director General Dato’ Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, Clocking Out Session, 30 August 2013
- Orientation Course for Heads of Mission and Their Spouses
- Ketua Pengarah IDFR yang baru
- Kursus Bahasa Inggeris “Say It Right – 1/2014”
- Roundtable Discussion on Extremism and Militancy with the Institute of South Asian Studies, Singapore
- Sitemap-Master Programme
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