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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

            Several key questions were asked by the audience    capacity to retain economic growth while adhering to
            ranging from the political position between the political   international law as well as fair and free competition
            parties in Palestine, opportunities in education for   despite the differences in size. Moreover, the ‘open-
            international students, and the nation’s diplomatic   door’ policy within the territory has also convinced H.E.
            connections with other nations. Finally, he concluded   to strengthen the collaboration and maintain existing
            the session by thanking the audience for their continued   partnerships in order to address contemporary problems
            support and solidarity with Palestine.              based on shared common values.

            IDFR Lecture Series 2021                            On United States’ relationship with ASEAN, H.E.
                                                                McFeeters added that the collaboration has inclined
            The Centre successfully hosted the IDFR Lecture Series   towards the issues of economic integration, maritime
            (ILS) 2021 titled ‘The Biden Presidency and US Policy   cooperation, youth and women’s empowerment, as
            in Southeast Asia’ on 9 June 2021. The lecture was   well as resolving transnational issues. He highlighted
            delivered by the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia, H.E.   the importance of a partnership between ASEAN and
            Brian D. McFeeters, and moderated by Distinguished   Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) in resolving
            Fellow of IDFR and President of the Malaysian       those challenges.
            Association for American Studies (MAAS), Prof Dr K.S.
            Nathan. The lecture recorded an attendance of 186   On Malaysia-US bilateral relations, H.E. McFeeters
            guests from various embassies and high commissions   mentioned that in 2019 the U.S. FDI with Malaysia was
            as well as officials from key ministries, government   approximately USD$353 billion, which was more than
            agencies, think tanks, and universities.            that of China, Korea, and Japan combined. Malaysia’s
                                                                collaboration with U.S. corporations has largely been
            Prof Dr K.S. Nathan started off by laying out several   in the development of high-tech equipment to preserve
            important presumptions, including the U.S. current   stable global supply chains and an open trade economy.
            relationship with China, the U.S. attitude towards   This type of investment would enhance Malaysia’s
            economic regionalism within the Asian Pacific region,   competitiveness and government service efficiency,
            and U.S. initiatives to improve bilateral relations with   especially in the digital realm.
            several key ASEAN actors.
                                                                During the Q&A session, questions were directed
            H.E. McFeeters began the speech by underlining      towards how the U.S. plans to increase engagement,
            Biden administration’s commitment in expanding the   capability, and commitment on education matters as
            American involvement in Southeast Asia and Asia as a   part of its foreign policy towards Malaysia. On top of
            whole. Based on various collaborations in the spheres
            of security, diplomacy, and economy, H.E. maintained
            his position throughout the lecture that the current
            government is focusing more on continuity rather than

            H.E. further added that the Asian continent is becoming
            highly significant in politics and economy within
            the Indo-Pacific area. According to H.E, they have
            maintained their sovereignty and demonstrated their

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