Page 48 - MDOS2_Final
P. 48


          were received by lovely Mexican girls in beautiful traditional costumes. T e
          Mariachi band welcomed us and sang their songs. We were also entertained
          by elegant Mexican dancers in bright and colourful costumes.

          At the farm, we were given a demonstration on how to plant and harvest
          the trunk which is later crushed at the factory to produce the juice to make
          tequila. We were then given the opportunity to harvest the agave and later
          taken on a tour of the tequila factory.

          On this particular trip, we were accompanied by a group of of  cers from the
          Ministry of Tourism. We got along very well and promised to keep in touch.
          A month later, I invited them for lunch at the Residence. I felt honoured
          when the whole division, including the director, came for the lunch.

          T e University of Ixtlahuaca
          A few weeks after my arrival, Dr. Margarito, the Director of the University
          of Ixtlahuaca, made a courtesy call on me. He wanted to have a collaboration
          between  the  university  and  the  Embassy.  He  shared  with  me  about
          the  university’s  ongoing  Exchange  Student  programme  with  Universiti
          Kebangsaan Malaysia and the fact that the university is the state’s dancing
          competition champion. I told him that I would like to form a dance group
          comprising Mexican students to perform the Malaysian dance at diplomatic
          events in Mexico City, and that the Embassy’s home-based staf  can teach the
          students. Dr. Margarito agreed immediately. A week later, the students were
          taught the zapin numbers and joget wau bule. Amazingly, they picked up the
          dance very fast and within a month, the group was already performing for
          the Embassy.

          From then on, the Embassy engaged them to perform at all its functions,
          including four consecutive National Day receptions. T e dancers love to do
          so because they receive exposure to perform for the diplomatic community in
          Mexico City. T ey were also invited to perform at the Senate, the Congress,
          and  events  organised  by  the  Mayor  of  Mexico  City,  among  others.  We
          received a lot of praise and were envied by the other Embassies. I was really
          thankful to Dr. Margarito for his generosity and support in promoting the
          Malaysian culture in Mexico, which has helped Malaysia and the Malaysian
          Embassy  to  be  held  in  high  esteem.  Since  we  were  not  able  to  get  the

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