Page 63 - MDOS2_Final
P. 63

T e Road Taken and

                              a Baton to Pass

                              Syed Mohamad Hasrin Aidid

          T e  tension  in  the  room  was  rising.  Predominantly  out  of  anticipation
          by almost everyone present, eager for a successful closure to our collective
          toiling and ef orts of the preceding months. I looked around the crowded
          Trusteeship  Council  Chamber  of  the  United  Nations  Headquarters.  It
          was a gathering of delegates and representatives for the T ird Preparatory
          Committee  of  the  Non-Proliferation  Treaty  (NPT)  Review  Conference,
          back in April 2019.

          Since its establishment in 1970, the NPT has had periodical Preparatory
          Committee Meetings and Review Conferences, to assess the implementation
          of the treaty and chart its future milestones. At the crux of the treaty is the
          goal of addressing the greatest and universal threat to humanity posed by
          nuclear weapons.

          Serving  as  the  Chair  of  the  T ird  Preparatory  Committee  (T ird  NPT
          PrepCom)  accorded  me  the  prerogative  of  a  seat  at  the  podium,  with  a
          clear panoramic view of the chamber. However, the job came with a great
          responsibility, which was to facilitate discussions, dialogues, and consultations
          among the 191 NPT States Parties.

          T e  two-week  T ird  NPT  PrepCom  was  not  only  f lled  with  a  lot  of
          substantive  deliberations.  T rough  extensive  consultations  and  careful
          stewardship, we also managed to address procedural hurdles that at times
          distracted the focus of delegations. Specif cally, we secured an agreement
          among States Parties to put in place the necessary prospective endorsement
          for the President-designate of the Tenth NPT Review Conference, which

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