Events Calendar
A collaboration between IDFR, the World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, this series provide discourse on economic, trade, 2018 Prospectus 27 investments issues and developments related to economic diplomacy. A notable and distinguished speaker under this economic diplomacy series for 2017 was Dr. Christian Haberli, Fellow, World Trade Institute, University of Bern, and IDFR’s Visiting Fellow. He was one of the Trading Consultants for Switzerland in GATT and WTO for Uruguay and Doha rounds from 1986 to 2007. He was also the Chairman of WTO Committee on Agriculture (Regular Session, 2005 to 2007) and WTO Panel Members since 1996 in five cases of dispute resolution: EC-Bananas III, Japan- Apples, EC-Biotech (GMO), China-Trading Rights and America-Country of Origin Labeling. During his visit, he shared his expertise with IDFR’s officers on how to conduct training in the fields of Economic Diplomacy and International Consultancy. He also conducted several discourses; a roundtable discussion on The Latest in Trade Facilitation Agreement of the World Trade Organisation at the Malaysia Productivity Corporation; a roundtable on Trade and Climate Change at the Institute for Environment and Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; and Economic Diplomacy Forum on International Negotiation Techniques; Recent Trend and Negotiations for Global Trade, and a lecture on Negotiation Issues on Food Labels (Malaysia): Case on Halal, all at IDFR. These discourses involved officials from, among others, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation, Ministry of Health, and think-tanks.