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Volume 1 2014 ISSN 2289-1277 The 8th Heads of Mission Conference February 2014, who delivered his address titled, Engaging also officiated the and Mobilising Malaysian Diaspora to event. Dato’ Sri Najib Strengthen the Nation. Later that day, stated that as the the Chief Secretary to the Government Middle Power, Malay- of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dr. Ali Hamsa sia must continue its spoke about the Role of Malaysian commitment towards Diplomats towards Realising the ASEAN and devote National Transformation Agenda. A adequate resources special spouse programme was also to strengthening our conducted, which included talks on bilateral relations with Understanding Emotional Intelligence its neighbours and and Professionalism and Moments of continue to value Truth at Missions. Datin Sri Siti Rubiah ASEAN as the fulcrum Datuk Abdul Samad, wife of the Minis- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of peace, prosperity and stability in ter of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, was Malaysia organised the 8th Heads of the region. the guest of honour. Mission Conference with the theme, Transforming Malaysia’s Diplomacy He also mentioned that as policyma- On Wednesday 26 February 2014, Towards 2020 and Beyond from 23 kers, diplomats and members of the Ambassador Aminahtun Hj. A. Karim, February to 1 March 2014. IDFR international community, Malaysia Deputy Director General of IDFR, hosted the conference from 23 to 26 must react to the transformation that is moderated a session titled, Malaysian February 2014. trending around the region and the Diplomats: Today and Tomorrow, world, with a transformation of our which featured Datuk Dr. Ahmad Throughout the six-day conference, own, a foreign policy which will see Faizal, Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Mohd Munir participants were engaged in nume- Malaysia through to a developed Abdul Majid, Dato’ Din Merican Azad- rous dialogues between NGOs, eco- status and beyond by 2020. Dato’ Sri din Merican and Dato’ Dr. Muthiah nomists, academicians, federal and Najib then stressed that “as Malaysia’s Alagappa as guest speakers. state government officials. chief representatives abroad, you each have a unique role; in your hands The second half of the conference was The opening ceremony of the 8th rest the task of ensuring that our set in Kuching, Sarawak and Kota Heads of Mission Conference 2014 Malaysian stands proud in the world. Kinabalu, Sabah. commenced with welcoming remarks Based on past experience, I know you by Dato’ Sri Anifah Hj. Aman, Minister will rise to the challenge”. A closing dinner for the 8th Heads of of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, followed Mission Conference 2014, hosted by by a keynote address by the Prime On 25 February 2014, the Deputy Dato’ Hamzah Zainudin, Deputy Minister of Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Mohd Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak on 24 Dato’ Hj. Muhyiddin Hj. Mohd. Yassin concluded the six-day conference. CONTENTS Find us on 1 The 8th Heads of Mission Conference Facebook 2-3 Profile of Prominent Person 4-13 Forum 14-19 In and Around IDFR 20-23 Forum 24-32 News DIPLOMATIC VOICE