Page 5 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
P. 5
FORUM FORUM 85.7% on measure relating to integra- rule-making procedures in order to “Malaysian diplomats and tion into the global economy score- present the Member States’ interests card. Some newer ASEAN Member at the regional and international negotiators are highly experienced States are still lagging behind other forums. in international, regional and ASEAN Member States in the bilateral negotiations including implementation of measures related to Malaysia’s Roles in the Newer the AEC. These Member States con- ASEAN Member States in the trade and economic tinue to work towards full implementa- agreements. Ofcials from the tion of measures in ensuring free flow Malaysia, as one of the leading econo- in goods; free flow in services; free mies in ASEAN, has implemented newer ASEAN Member States may flow of investment, food, agriculture more than 80% of the AEC Scorecard. be able to learn from Malaysian and forestry; consumer protection; Malaysia could play an important role ofcials about the intricacies of intellectual property rights; transport; in ensuring ASEAN meet the objective energy; SME Development; initiatives of realising the AEC in 2015. There are negotiations and dealing with for ASEAN Economic Integration; at least two reasons for this. Firstly, various provisions of international External Economic Relations; and Malaysia will chair ASEAN in 2015 and freer flow of capital. it should be on top of Malaysia’s policy agreements and treaties.” agenda that the AEC is realised during Whilst the newer ASEAN Member its Chairmanship of the regional example, Malaysia may offer its exper- States work towards full implementa- grouping. Secondly, Malaysia as ex- tise in central banking law on the tion of measures in the abovemen- porters of goods, services and capital implementation of the free transfer of tioned areas, many of these Member to other ASEAN Member States, has funds, which is an important element in States lack technical expertise to the interest to ensure that the AEC the international investment law. implement certain ASEAN initiatives, leads to higher level of liberalisa- Malaysia could also offer its expertise such as in the field of services liberali- tion of trade in goods and services and in implementing intellectual property sation and investment. The Member at the same time to ensure a higher laws and policies including registration States requires assistance in prepar- level of liberalisation in the investment process and the enforcement of ing domestic regulations to comply sectors in the Member States where intellectual property rights. with the AEC. This is based on the Malaysia has interests. facts that many of these Member Thirdly, Malaysia may assist the States’ laws and regulations require There are several areas that Malaysia Member States on how to increase modernisation in order to comply with can contribute to the development of “the ease of doing business” which the international commitments and the newer ASEAN Member States. Malaysia is known to have implemen- obligations. One, Malaysia may offer its expertise ted through the Special Task Force to in the negotiating techniques. Malay- Facilitate Business (PEMUDAH). The These Member States also require sian diplomats and negotiators are existence of PEMUDAH has contribu- technical expertise to assist in the highly experienced in international, ted to the increase in Malaysia’s implementation of the AEC measures regional and bilateral negotiations ranking to 6th place in the “Ease of at all levels of the government. Like including in the trade and economic Doing Business” ranking issued by any other countries, policy makers agreements. Officials from the newer the World Bank Group. 3 dealing with the AEC are different from ASEAN Member States may be able to those who have to implement the learn from Malaysian officials about Conclusion measures either at the national or the intricacies of negotiations and sub-regional levels. Therefore, these dealing with various provisions of In conclusion, Malaysia being an Member States require capacity build- international agreements and treaties. important and a more developed ing at various levels of government to Malaysia may offer capacity building member of ASEAN has a significant ensure smooth implementation of and training in specific areas such as role in ensuring the successful imple- commitments made under the AEC. scheduling of certain obligations and mentation of the AEC in the newer In addition, the newer ASEAN Member the preparation of the list of non-con- ASEAN Member States. The Ministry States seeks to train officials in the forming measures in certain types of of Foreign Affairs through IDFR, toge- field of international negotiation agreement. techniques. These Member States ....................................... require officials who are able to negoti- In addition, Malaysia may assist the 3 See for more ate and speak on their behalf. They Member States in the implementation information on the ease of doing business require officials who are conversant of international commitments at the ranking. with international diplomacy and national and sub-regional levels. For ....................................... DIPLOMATIC VOICE 5
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