Page 7 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
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FORUM FORUM Transforming Malaysia’s Diplomacy Towards 2020 and Beyond Keynote Address by Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Haji Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia, at the 8th Heads of Mission Conference on 24 February 2014 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa- global attention. We welcome the challenges such as climate change, barakatuh dan Salam 1Malaysia. spotlight – the investment and deve- we see that the interests and positions lopment it brings – but we are aware of some developing countries con- It is a pleasure to open the 8th Heads that it illuminates existing stresses, verge with those of some in the deve- of Mission Conference and to share and we do not wish to become a loped world. In a more multipolar with you some thoughts on the future centre for conflict by proxy. world, even the largest and most of Malaysian Diplomacy. powerful countries will seek to form Third, Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi- coalitions comprising developed and Our nation, still young by world religious and multi-cultural country. developing countries to ensure their standards, has already exerted con- We are a bridge between races, interests are promoted. siderable international influence; in nations and cultures; standing at the recent years alone, we have played junction between East and West, As we saw in the middle of the last our part in peacekeeping and peace- between the developed and the deve- century, when ideology and cultural making, in healing old divisions and loping world, between Islam and other differences are allowed to determine establishing new relationships. Credit, faiths. Our history and our geography the relationship between major and thanks, belong to you - Malaysia’s mean we sit at the intersection of powers, the international order itself is representatives in the world. So before some of the most important questions at risk. In this context, the way I begin, allow me to pay tribute to your of the age. Asia’s rapid development; Sino-US relations play out will have record, your service, and your dedica- the relationship between Islam and profound implications not only for the tion to diplomacy. modernity; the balance between diver- region, but for the wider world. While sity and stability. Each is being both have been at pains to assure us Over the course of your careers, that answered, in its own way, here in that their relations are founded on diplomacy has been shaped by three Malaysia. Our foreign policy and our mutual cooperation, this is true only in main factors. Firstly, Malaysia is a diplomacy reflect and draw on this the broadest sense. In some cases, trading nation. This is set to continue: strength. there will be competition; it is how the despite a challenging external environ- inevitable tensions are managed that ment, our trade expanded by 4.6 The factors which shaped Malaysia’s matter, with commitments to friends percent last year, and is projected to diplomacy – our dependence on trade, and allies will adding a layer of grow at 5.2 percent this year. As our our strategic location, and our demo- complexity to Sino-US relations. economy continues to develop – as graphics – are in turn shaped by exter- we move further up the value chain, nal trends. And here the grounds Elsewhere, it seems likely that parts of and produce more intellectual and beneath our feet is shifting, as old West Asia will continue to be unstable, human capital, the goods we trade will assumptions are being overturned, pitting groups of States – as well as change; with the coming of regional and new ones emerging. These global different ethnic and religious groups in economic integration, so will the and regional trends ask that we adapt the region – against others. This state method. But the implications for our our diplomacy to fit the pressures and of uncertainty and instability is a foreign policy remain the same. Like opportunities of a new century. challenge for us, as our close any trading nation, we depend on cultural, religious and economic ties to open sea lanes, general peace, and Traditional global hierarchies are being the region means that developments robust institutions that promote shaken up by economic and demo- there resonate with the Malaysian international law and support interna- graphic change. The lines dividing public. tional norms. North from South are blurring. In Second, we are located at the heart of a strategically significant region, sur- rounded by current and future major powers. South East Asia’s seas – through which so much global com- merce pass – are reason enough for continued interest in our region. Buoyant economic growth and natural resources only serve to amplify their interest, as Asia fast becomes a new pole in a multipolar world. The most populous region on earth will soon be the most prosperous; already, it is assuming a much greater share of DIPLOMATIC VOICE 7 Running throughout these geopolitical thing to everyone. We must sharpen As others study our development developments are deeper currents of the way we conceive and execute the path, we can use our history and our technological and social change: cooperation and assistance prog- achievements to promote issues of increasing access to information, new rammes we provide at the bilateral, importance to us – such as modera- forms of citizen activism, higher regional and multilateral levels. And tion, mediation in regional disputes, expectations and greater accountabili- we must assess the impact of such and the establishment of a rules- ty in an age of information. programmes more systematically, to based approach to manage inter-state ensure they are effective and efficient. relations in the region. The challenge is It is incumbent on us – as policyma- to package this into a compelling kers, diplomats and members of the The most effective coalitions in the narrative, while at the same time international community – to respond future will be those which involve both avoiding hubris. to these changes, adapt to these the developed and developing world. trends, and to do our part to deliver a We therefore must be deft and nimble That seems an ambitious programme safer, more sustainable future for our in building and participating in coali- for a ministry with a small budget. But people. To do so, we must remain tions; seeking out those which share I am confident you can and will deliver. clear-headed in pursuit of our national our concerns, and exercising leader- Dato’ Sri Anifah’s KPI has consistently aims, even-handed in the service of ship within the shared platforms that been one of the highest, which means regional ambitions, and resolute in the are needed to tackle multilateral prob- Wisma Putra is one of the most face of global challenges. We must lems. A stronger foreign policy esta- cost-efficient ministries. I wish to com- react to the transformations around us blishment here in Malaysia, which mend you for this achievement, and to with a transformation of our own: a brings together think-tanks, academic assure you that the government is foreign policy which will see Malaysia chairs and foundations, will strengthen open to requests for additional re- through to 2020; to developed nation our hand when it comes to building sources. status and beyond. There are a coalitions for change. number things we must do. As Malaysia’s chief representatives As we prepare for a world beyond the abroad, you each have a unique role. First, we must embrace our position Millennium Development Goals, we In your hands rests the task of as one of the region’s Middle Powers: must also be ready to share our own ensuring that our Malaysia stands states which rarely act alone, but experience of development. Since the proud in the world. On past experi- which have a significant, systematic end of the Second World War, few ence, I know you will rise to this impact in a small group or through countries have made the leap from challenge. international institutions. Come 2020, developing to developed status. By Malaysia will be a developed country and large, those who have, such as Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirra- with far-flung and expanding interests. South Korea, are homogenous states. him, it is my pleasure to declare open The international community, as well When Malaysia joins the ranks of the the 8th Heads of Mission Conference. as our own public, will expect that we developed nations, our narrative will assume our share of the burden of be a compelling one indeed – a young Thank you. responsibility and leadership. As a federation, originally riven by diffe- Middle Power, that means playing a rences, working, growing and deve- greater part in Asia, and helping Asia loping together. play a greater part in the world – a subject I will say more about in weeks to come. It also means continuing our commit- ment to ASEAN. We sink or swim with our region. If we do not have an influential voice here, we will not have an influential voice anywhere. We must therefore devote adequate resources to strengthening our bilateral relations with our neighbours, and continue to value ASEAN as the fulcrum of peace, prosperity and stability in the region. Even as we undertake to do more, we must concentrate resources on initia- tives that will generate the best returns; leading in areas that concern us the most, not aiming to be every-
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