Page 11 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
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tion programmes introduced by the Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa- government since 2009 in order to barakatuh dan Salam 1Malaysia. ensure that Malaysia remains compe- syukur titive in the future. memanjatkan ingin Saya kepada Allah SWT kerana dengan limpah kurnianya kita berpeluang As the government’s principal repre- untuk sekali lagi bertemu dalam dialog sentative abroad, you too are aware seumpama ini selepas pertemuan that shifts in the global economic and terakhir kita pada Jun 2009. political environment would inevitably have an impact on Malaysia by virtue of it being an open economy and its Persidangan ini adalah amat bertepa- tan masanya kerana Malaysia telah fortunes being dependent on trade menjalani proses pilihanraya umum and investments flows, tourist arrivals pada bulan Mei 2013 yang lalu di mana and so on. By introducing these rakyat terus memberikan mandat policies, Malaysia is in a good position kepada kepimpinan YAB Perdana to face future challenges and move Menteri Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul towards becoming a developed nation Razak untuk memimpin Malaysia. by 2020. One important if not the most Dalam hal ini, kerajaan akan terus important aspect of the National melaksanakan dasar-dasar negara Transformation Policy is the people. yang menjamin kesejahteraan rakyat. We need an educated workforce and kerajaan juga prihatin bahawa ekspek- people with specialised skills and resilient Malaysians are – they thrive tasi rakyat terhadap penyampaian knowledge of the technology of the whether as students or as professio- perkhidmatan dan tadbir urus negara future in order to realise the transfor- nals, in many areas such as in mations that are needed to ensure business, arts, sports and other fields. semakin meningkat dan sebagai seba- This shows that Malaysians are hagian daripada jentera kerajaan, Malaysia’s continued development. outward looking, not afraid to leave perkhidmatan awam perlu sentiasa bersedia memberi mutu perkhidmatan This is why I have chosen to speak on the comfort of home to pursue their yang tinggi kepada orang awam. the importance of engaging and dreams and ambitions. At the same mobilising the Malaysian diaspora. time, they still retain close ties with Saya ingin mengucapkan syabas dan During this session, I hope we could Malaysia, which I am sure many still tahniah kepada Kementerian Luar have an exchange of views on how regard as ‘home’. best to nurture a sense of belonging Negeri di atas penganjuran persida- ngan pada tahun ini. Sebagai salah amongst the Malaysian diaspora so In fact, many Malaysians have achie- ved success abroad. Some may be satu agensi kerajaan yang memberi that together we could work in famous household names. However, building this great nation of ours. perkhidmatan kepada pelbagai ‘stake- there are also many of those who may holder’ dan pelanggan, baik di kala- ngan warga Malaysia mahu pun warga In our quest to become a high income not be as renowned but who have asing, saya yakin persidangan ini akan developed nation by 2020, one of the established themselves as experts in their chosen fields. dapat memberi hala tuju yang jelas core principles of the National Trans- kepada tuan-tuan dan puan-puan formation Programme is that of inclu- dalam melaksanakan dasar transfor- siveness. All Malaysians should have a I believe that by developing regular masi negara untuk mencapai tahap sense of belonging, feel that they have contacts with the Malaysian diaspora, the opportunity to pursue their ambi- negara maju pada tahun 2020. they could assist you in making head- tions and achieve their full potential. way with the local leaders and Collectively we all contribute towards communities as they could help to This conference aptly themed Trans- forming Malaysia’s Diplomacy towards building a nation that is strong where foster better understanding of the the rakyat enjoys a high quality of life. distinctiveness of local customs and 2020 and Beyond presents an invalu- able opportunity for you to be fully Inclusiveness also means that Malay- the political, economic and social apprised on Malaysia’s current policy sia has to look at all sources of talents dynamics of your host country. direction, both domestic and foreign, either at home or abroad to ensure Through these contacts, you too as well as our government’s efforts in that Malaysians from all walks of life would be able to carry out your will be part of this transformative responsibilities in a much more effec- addressing present and future chal- journey that we had embarked on tive way. lenges faced by the nation. since 2009. During the run-up and after the May I will not spend too much time in talking about the Government Trans- In the many visits abroad that I had General Elections last year, we saw formation Policy as I am sure you are undertaken, it has always been a the emergence and the impact of source of pride for me to see how social media in shaping public well aware of the various transforma- FORUM FORUM opinion among Malaysians, particular- important role in forming and influenc- at all times and communicate our abroad. In addition to this, they could sia abroad and to instil confidence of I wish you all the very best in your ly among the youth. Some argued that ing public opinion about Malaysia, position on various issues effectively. be the focal points in disseminating Malaysia's continued stability and deliberations. this is a welcome step towards a more among Malaysians and foreigners information on Malaysia and provide sound governance among the interna- open form of democracy, which gua- alike. Third, the country needs those with invaluable local knowledge on oppor- tional community. Equally important is Thank you. rantees freedom of expression. How- specialised skills that are required for tunities that could help advance your role in engaging with the Malay- ever, what the experience has taught Your presence in your host countries Malaysia to move up the technology Malaysia’s interests and strengthen sian diaspora no matter where they us was that social media became an enable you to engage directly with our value-chain as outlined in our transfor- social, cultural, economic and political are. They are an invaluable asset that avenue that could be easily abused, in stakeholders and clients, especially mation programmes. By tapping into ties between Malaysia and other could help you make headway in your which rumours and unverified accusa- our fellow countrymen abroad. This is the experiences and expertise of the countries. host countries. You are also in a tions spread like wildfire including the reason why the government has Malaysian diaspora, we can reverse position do your part to actively among the Malaysian community focused on the importance of deve- the brain-drain that has affected many Before I conclude, I would like to support the government's transforma- living abroad. loping close ties with our own diaspo- countries where talents leave to look reiterate the crucial role you have in tion programmes, including the ra as part of Malaysia’s diplomatic for better opportunities in more deve- projecting a positive image of Malay- government’s brain gain initiatives. We have to explain to Malaysians and deliverables. However, we cannot do loped countries. Talent Corp was set foreigners alike that this is not what this without your inputs and support up with the aim to provide incentives democracy is all about. Democracy as you are stationed at your respective to draw Malaysian experts to return also is about citizens having the countries and have direct and instant home. Our diplomatic missions toge- The Role of Malaysian Diplomats towards Realising freedom to exercise their right to vote access to the Malaysian diaspora ther with Talent Corp, should harness the National Transformation Agenda and it also guarantees that there is rule living in many different parts of the on each other's strength to reach out Speech by Tan Sri Dr. Ali Hamsa, Chief Secretary to the Government of of law and accountable governance. world. to Malaysians abroad and raise aware- Malaysia, at the 8th Heads of Mission Conference on 25 February 2014 The fact that people were able to use ness about the opportunities back the social media freely, albeit within Allow me to share with you some of home. Talent Corp would be able to ideas on how we in the public service key words, NBOS has fostered closer the ambit of our laws, is an indication my views on engaging and mobilising provide information on the type of can fulfil this aspiration, particularly in coordination between government that a robust form of democracy is in the Malaysian diaspora as they are an experts Malaysia needs while our the context of your role as Malaysia’s agencies by reducing overlapping or place in Malaysia. important asset that can help you to diplomatic missions could assist in chief representatives abroad. duplication of work, and broken down promote ties of mutual benefit to disseminating the information among the “silo mentality” that unfortunately In this regard, as a responsible Malaysia and your host countries. Malaysians present in their host coun- Malaysia in Transformation exists. I must reiterate that NBOS is a government, we listen to the people. tries as well as in assisting in Talent strategy that we should continue to Citizens who are eligible to vote must First, get to know as many Malaysians Corp’s activities overseas. Transformation is an inevitable part of utilise: that we come together and do be able to participate in the electoral as possible in your host countries. Not our journey towards realising Vision things quickly, in a cost effective process. In the last general elections, all Malaysians live close to the capital, Last but not least, there is the question 2020. “Inevitable” because as an open manner, for the well-being of the the government took steps to make therefore the internet provides a multi- of having sufficient resources for acti- economy in a challenging international rakyat, and I fervently hope that NBOS sure that Malaysians overseas were tude of ways to make this possible. vities related to mobilising and enga- environment, we must remain a is also applied in our missions able to vote. As a result, 2013 marked Heads of Mission must engage regu- ging the Malaysian diaspora. On one competitive, moderate, and dynamic abroad. the first time in our country’s election larly with Malaysians in formal or infor- level, optimising existing resources nation to keep pace with the rest of the history that Malaysians living abroad mal ways as this will be useful in times such as using social media for keeping world. There is a need for us to escape While we transform the nation as a who are registered voters could vote of crisis, particularly when natural the channel of communication open the middle-income trap and take that whole, our Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ and be involved in determining the disaster strikes or when social or between our diplomatic missions and quantum leap into the next level. The Sri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak future of the country. Previously, only political unrest takes place. We must Malaysians residing in your host coun- National Transformation Agenda was has also put credence on the impor- full-time students and civil servants ensure that Malaysians overseas are tries could be done without much introduced as a means for us to drive tance of transforming the civil service; and their spouses were eligible to use safe in these instances. additional cost. On the other hand, our nation to the next level. I believe to strengthen and restructure the the postal voting facility. I wish to brain gain programmes would require the acronyms of GTP, ETP, STP and organisation to remain relevant in line congratulate Wisma Putra and the Second, engage the Malaysian dias- more resources. In this regard, Talent Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa- PTP are familiar to all of us here, and with current developments. agencies involved in making this a pora to help in promoting various Corp could hold joint programmes barakatuh, Salam Sejahtera and that there is good understanding of reality. aspects of Malaysia abroad. They can with our diplomatic missions overseas Salam 1Malaysia. the objectives of these programmes YAB Prime Minister during his Keynote help explain events or incidents that and provide the necessary funds when towards nation-building. Hence, I will Address at this conference yesterday, This is an example of a government happen in Malaysia. Malaysia has required. First and foremost, allow me to take not delve into it in detail. highlighted the need for us to embrace that constantly seeks to improve its done well to make itself known this opportunity to thank Wisma Putra our position as one of the region’s services to the public. In dealing with internationally but there are many who With the strength of diaspora of one for inviting me to address our Heads of However, as the backbone of our Middle Power of states that rarely act our clients and stakeholders abroad, do not know very much about Malay- million people abroad and with the Mission, at this 8th Heads of Mission nation’s transformation agenda, we as alone, but which have a significant, there is no organisation with more sia. By keeping an open channel of strength of our worldwide network of Conference. This conference is an civil servants must realise that we systematic impact in a small group or experience in delivering services to communication in engaging and mobi- diplomatic missions in 105 countries, excellent platform for the Heads of have a huge responsibility on our international institutions. In this Malaysians abroad than Wisma Putra. lising the Malaysian diaspora, you we can look at practical and realistic Mission to be updated on the latest shoulders to implement the plans and regard, I believe that Wisma Putra And the Heads of Mission stationed at would be able to reach a wider group ways to tap into the talents of the policies of the government, particular- initiatives outlined under the various must be proactive to the transforma- our 105 missions worldwide have of people in your host countries and Malaysian diaspora for the good of our ly the National Transformation Agen- transformation programmes. Fortu- tions around us, and to come up with always executed their responsibilities would be able to share and explain our nation. In this regard, the establish- da, towards realising Malaysia’s nately, we have had much success in a transformation of its own: a foreign in ensuring high quality service deli- views to more people in your host ment of Malaysian Associations over- aspiration to become a high-income translating the plans into action by policy which will see Malaysia realise very overseas. Apart from that, as countries. As the government’s chief seas provide an effective platform for developed nation by the year 2020. utilising the National Blue Ocean its Vision 2020, to become a high-in- front-line representatives of the representative abroad, continue to the Malaysian diaspora to interact with This conference is also opportune as it Strategy (NBOS). With “low cost, high come developed nation status and government abroad, they have an project a positive image of the country fellow Malaysians while they are living will enable us to exchange views and impact and rapidly executed” as the beyond. The Public Service Depart- DIPLOMATIC VOICE 11 ment and the Ministry of Finance (for course of your duty, in explaining our activities. This should never be cited 2013, ahead of countries the theme of this conference, Trans- ties for senior officials who are still at example) are currently undergoing policies, as well as coordinating efforts as a reason to reduce our activities. such as the Republic of Korea forming Malaysia’s Diplomacy To- Grade 54, the government look transformation to improve their service among the different agencies at your Trying times require innovative and second behind Singapore wards 2020 and Beyond, Malaysia’s favourably at providing a “one-off” delivery, and all other ministries will respective posts to further Malaysia’s solutions and this is where your among Southeast Asian diplomacy must continue to spear- promotions based on high standards follow suit soon, including Wisma interests abroad. Engagement must leadership and creativity will be countries; and head and support the government’s of performance prior to retirement, Putra. May I remind that the core of take place beyond the Foreign Minis- tested. • 32nd position, out of 142 initiatives abroad. We must not be namely in the form of KUP JUSA ‘C’. this transformation should be centred try and official channels of host countries in the Global Inno- complacent with our achievements And I also look forward to having more on the rakyat’s need and expectations, governments. Corporate launches, In this regard, I commend Wisma vation Index 2013. and the favourable rankings that we women ambassadors in the future, in and hence, we must change to remain appearances in academic settings or Putra for convening the 8th Heads of have achieved so far. line with our government’s aspirations relevant. social gatherings, and interviews with Missions Conference here at IDFR These accolades are an indication of of at least 30% women indeci- the media are among the many instead of in a hotel, in line with the our international standing that we The civil service is doing well and sion-making positions in the civil Merakyatkan Perkhidmatan Awam avenues of projecting our interests. austerity measures introduced. And as must continue to improve on. We making positive strides forward, but service by the year 2015. highlighted by YAB Prime Minister must continue to promote confidence we certainly have the potential to do Mindful of the importance to win the Austerity Measures and Sacrifices yesterday, despite having a small in Malaysia as a politically stable better. Therefore it is important for civil In formulating and implementing hearts and minds of the rakyat, I intro- budget, Wisma Putra is one of the country, which for decades has servants to operate as a thinking Malaysia’s foreign policy, the leader- duced the concept of Merakyatkan As civil servants, it is incumbent that most cost-efficient ministries. In fact, I offered a conducive environment for public service that is adaptable, ship role of Wisma Putra will become Perkhidmatan Awam or “Humanising we show an exemplary attitude to the have discussed with your top business and investment. responsive, proactive, accountable more important and crucial in the the Public Service”. This concept rakyat and make certain sacrifices management during my working visit and efficient in implementing policies, years ahead as the issues we face will encapsulates our role as public when the need arises. Recently, YAB to Wisma Putra in September last year Malaysia is aware that in order to so as to gain the public’s confidence become more complex and multi-fac- officials who not only provide services Prime Minister announced 11 cost- that the government is open to develop and prosper, we cannot do it and dispel any negative perception eted. I am also cognisant of the fact to the people, but also receive cutting measures for the government requests for additional resources, and alone. We must seek partnership with of the service. that we are chairing ASEAN in 2015. In services from our colleagues in the sector, which are estimated to save for Wisma Putra to come up with a other countries and the rest of the this regard, I have proposed for Malay- civil service. I urge Wisma Putra RM400 million this year. Indeed, these special fund as part of its transforma- world. Malaysia must accelerate its At this juncture, I would like to take the sia to host the Inaugural ASEAN officials to deliver “people-centric measures are evident of the sacrifices tion. economic diplomacy, not only at the opportunity to put forth a few words of Heads of Civil Service and First services” to the rakyat, and indirectly made by civil servants in order to bilateral level, but also at the regional advice to all Heads of Mission, and ASEAN Public Service Games on the to ourselves, based on the six guiding assist the government curb its Malaysia in the Global Arena and multilateral level, as an important Malaysian diplomats in dispensing sidelines of the ASEAN Summit in principles, namely: spending. dimension of its international relations, your duties overseas: 2015. I most certainly look forward to Globally, Malaysia is perceived as a and for purposes of securing the working closely with Wisma Putra in i) Openness (Keterbukaan); Most of us recall the measures under- dynamic and competitive nation. We country’s wider foreign policy objec- i) Acquire new skills, be it in ensuring the success of these events. ii) Going to the Grassroots taken during the recession that befell are ranked at: tives. Malaysia must continue to foster the form of a foreign lang- (Turun Padang); us in the 1980s and during the friendly and beneficial relations with all uage, or enhancing your Experience has shown that the task iii) Engagement (Musyawarah); 1997/98 Asian Financial Crisis. This • 6th position in the World countries. negotiation skills, as these ahead of us is indeed challenging and iv) Soft Skills or Striking a Ba- latest austerity measure is nothing Bank’s Ease of Doing Busi- will indeed be useful for a demanding. I am pleased to acknowl- lance between the Spiritual new and the comfort we can find in ness 2014 Report, a signifi- As Malaysia is not spared from the successful diplomatic career; edge the presence at this conference, and the Physical Aspect this is: we have weathered many cant improvement from our volatility of the external economic ii) Ensure that there is no room a list of prominent and experienced (Insaniah); storms before, and we will weather previous ranking of 23rd environment, the government will for integrity issues to surface speakers who will share ideas and v) Camaraderie or Sense of Be- this one too. However, austerity position three years ago; continue to take measures to streng- in the course of dispensing lessons learnt in addressing a myriad longing (Kekitaan); and measures may be seen as delimiting • 24th position in the Global then its competitive advantage in your duties, that may mar of issues to transform Malaysia’s vi) Resource Sharing and Colla- opportunities to carry out certain Competitiveness Report wooing foreign direct investments and the good image of our King diplomacy towards 2020 and beyond. boration through Public-Pri- finding new markets for our products. and Country; vate and Non-Governmental Malaysia will continue to promote the iii) While abroad, have respect I trust your interaction with various Organisations (NGOs) Part- participation of the private sector in and understanding of the stakeholders over the course of this nership. developing the country. rule of law of the host country, conference will provide you with so you may disseminate valuable insights that would be useful I am glad to note that Wisma Putra has And this is where I see the role of the those laws to Malaysians in discharging your duties during these introduced its own version of turun Heads of Mission as crucial. You are under your care and avoid challenging times. padang in the form of Program the best contact persons in dissemi- untoward incidences to Mendampingi Rakyat Malaysia since nating information on the opportuni- happen; I look forward to a fruitful discussion 2009. This is an excellent example of ties available in Malaysia for investors. iv) Take interest in the welfare with you after this, and wish you all the how the Heads of Mission can be the Thus, I hope that you will continue to of Malaysians under your best when you return to your host government’s “touch points” with our develop and nurture your contacts and watch, be it your own officers countries. citizens abroad, and how it enhances access to leading figures in your host and their families, students the principle of openness (keterbu- country that could generate tangible or working professionals; and Thank you. kaan). I believe the turun padang benefits to Malaysia. v) Treat and assist all visiting sessions will enable us to identify government officials equally problems faced by our stakeholders Expectations should they be in your host and clients, apart from cultivating and country attending meetings establishing networks. As Heads of This last leg towards 2020 and beyond or on official trips. Mission, I trust that you will be active will be a challenging one, and it is in engaging those you meet in the important that we succeed. In line with With regards to promotion opportuni-