Page 9 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
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global attention. We welcome the challenges such as climate change, Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa- we see that the interests and positions barakatuh dan Salam 1Malaysia. spotlight – the investment and deve- lopment it brings – but we are aware of some developing countries con- It is a pleasure to open the 8th Heads that it illuminates existing stresses, verge with those of some in the deve- of Mission Conference and to share and we do not wish to become a loped world. In a more multipolar world, even the largest and most with you some thoughts on the future centre for conflict by proxy. powerful countries will seek to form of Malaysian Diplomacy. Third, Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi- coalitions comprising developed and religious and multi-cultural country. developing countries to ensure their Our nation, still young by world standards, has already exerted con- We are a bridge between races, interests are promoted. siderable international influence; in nations and cultures; standing at the recent years alone, we have played junction between East and West, As we saw in the middle of the last century, when ideology and cultural between the developed and the deve- our part in peacekeeping and peace- making, in healing old divisions and loping world, between Islam and other differences are allowed to determine establishing new relationships. Credit, faiths. Our history and our geography the major between relationship and thanks, belong to you - Malaysia’s mean we sit at the intersection of powers, the international order itself is representatives in the world. So before some of the most important questions at risk. In this context, the way I begin, allow me to pay tribute to your of the age. Asia’s rapid development; Sino-US relations play out will have the relationship between Islam and profound implications not only for the record, your service, and your dedica- region, but for the wider world. While modernity; the balance between diver- tion to diplomacy. sity and stability. Each is being both have been at pains to assure us Over the course of your careers, that answered, in its own way, here in that their relations are founded on diplomacy has been shaped by three Malaysia. Our foreign policy and our mutual cooperation, this is true only in main factors. Firstly, Malaysia is a diplomacy reflect and draw on this the broadest sense. In some cases, there will be competition; it is how the trading nation. This is set to continue: strength. inevitable tensions are managed that despite a challenging external environ- ment, our trade expanded by 4.6 The factors which shaped Malaysia’s matter, with commitments to friends percent last year, and is projected to diplomacy – our dependence on trade, and allies will adding a layer of complexity to Sino-US relations. grow at 5.2 percent this year. As our our strategic location, and our demo- economy continues to develop – as graphics – are in turn shaped by exter- we move further up the value chain, nal trends. And here the grounds Elsewhere, it seems likely that parts of and produce more intellectual and beneath our feet is shifting, as old West Asia will continue to be unstable, human capital, the goods we trade will assumptions are being overturned, pitting groups of States – as well as change; with the coming of regional and new ones emerging. These global different ethnic and religious groups in economic integration, so will the and regional trends ask that we adapt the region – against others. This state method. But the implications for our our diplomacy to fit the pressures and of uncertainty and instability is a challenge for us, as our close foreign policy remain the same. Like opportunities of a new century. cultural, religious and economic ties to any trading nation, we depend on open sea lanes, general peace, and Traditional global hierarchies are being the region means that developments promote institutions robust shaken up by economic and demo- that there resonate with the Malaysian international law and support interna- graphic change. The lines dividing public. tional norms. North from South are blurring. In Second, we are located at the heart of a strategically significant region, sur- rounded by current and future major powers. South East Asia’s seas – through which so much global com- merce pass – are reason enough for continued interest in our region. Buoyant economic growth and natural resources only serve to amplify their interest, as Asia fast becomes a new pole in a multipolar world. The most populous region on earth will soon be the most prosperous; already, it is assuming a much greater share of FORUM FORUM Engaging and Mobilising the Diaspora to Strengthen the Nation Speech by Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, at the 8th Heads of Mission Conference on 25 February 2014 Running throughout these geopolitical thing to everyone. We must sharpen As others study our development developments are deeper currents of the way we conceive and execute the path, we can use our history and our Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa- tion programmes introduced by the technological and social change: cooperation and assistance prog- achievements to promote issues of barakatuh dan Salam 1Malaysia. government since 2009 in order to increasing access to information, new rammes we provide at the bilateral, importance to us – such as modera- ensure that Malaysia remains compe- forms of citizen activism, higher regional and multilateral levels. And tion, mediation in regional disputes, Saya ingin memanjatkan syukur titive in the future. expectations and greater accountabili- we must assess the impact of such and the establishment of a rules- kepada Allah SWT kerana dengan ty in an age of information. programmes more systematically, to based approach to manage inter-state limpah kurnianya kita berpeluang As the government’s principal repre- ensure they are effective and efficient. relations in the region. The challenge is untuk sekali lagi bertemu dalam dialog sentative abroad, you too are aware It is incumbent on us – as policyma- to package this into a compelling seumpama ini selepas pertemuan that shifts in the global economic and kers, diplomats and members of the The most effective coalitions in the narrative, while at the same time terakhir kita pada Jun 2009. political environment would inevitably international community – to respond future will be those which involve both avoiding hubris. have an impact on Malaysia by virtue to these changes, adapt to these the developed and developing world. Persidangan ini adalah amat bertepa- of it being an open economy and its trends, and to do our part to deliver a We therefore must be deft and nimble That seems an ambitious programme tan masanya kerana Malaysia telah fortunes being dependent on trade safer, more sustainable future for our in building and participating in coali- for a ministry with a small budget. But menjalani proses pilihanraya umum and investments flows, tourist arrivals people. To do so, we must remain tions; seeking out those which share I am confident you can and will deliver. pada bulan Mei 2013 yang lalu di mana and so on. By introducing these clear-headed in pursuit of our national our concerns, and exercising leader- Dato’ Sri Anifah’s KPI has consistently rakyat terus memberikan mandat policies, Malaysia is in a good position aims, even-handed in the service of ship within the shared platforms that been one of the highest, which means kepada kepimpinan YAB Perdana to face future challenges and move regional ambitions, and resolute in the are needed to tackle multilateral prob- Wisma Putra is one of the most Menteri Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Abdul towards becoming a developed nation face of global challenges. We must lems. A stronger foreign policy esta- cost-efficient ministries. I wish to com- Razak untuk memimpin Malaysia. by 2020. One important if not the most react to the transformations around us blishment here in Malaysia, which mend you for this achievement, and to Dalam hal ini, kerajaan akan terus important aspect of the National with a transformation of our own: a brings together think-tanks, academic assure you that the government is melaksanakan dasar-dasar negara Transformation Policy is the people. foreign policy which will see Malaysia chairs and foundations, will strengthen open to requests for additional re- yang menjamin kesejahteraan rakyat. We need an educated workforce and through to 2020; to developed nation our hand when it comes to building sources. kerajaan juga prihatin bahawa ekspek- people with specialised skills and resilient Malaysians are – they thrive status and beyond. There are a coalitions for change. tasi rakyat terhadap penyampaian knowledge of the technology of the whether as students or as professio- number things we must do. As Malaysia’s chief representatives perkhidmatan dan tadbir urus negara future in order to realise the transfor- nals, in many areas such as in As we prepare for a world beyond the abroad, you each have a unique role. semakin meningkat dan sebagai seba- mations that are needed to ensure business, arts, sports and other fields. First, we must embrace our position Millennium Development Goals, we In your hands rests the task of hagian daripada jentera kerajaan, Malaysia’s continued development. This shows that Malaysians are as one of the region’s Middle Powers: must also be ready to share our own ensuring that our Malaysia stands perkhidmatan awam perlu sentiasa outward looking, not afraid to leave states which rarely act alone, but experience of development. Since the proud in the world. On past experi- bersedia memberi mutu perkhidmatan This is why I have chosen to speak on the comfort of home to pursue their which have a significant, systematic end of the Second World War, few ence, I know you will rise to this yang tinggi kepada orang awam. the importance of engaging and dreams and ambitions. At the same impact in a small group or through countries have made the leap from challenge. mobilising the Malaysian diaspora. time, they still retain close ties with international institutions. Come 2020, developing to developed status. By Saya ingin mengucapkan syabas dan During this session, I hope we could Malaysia, which I am sure many still Malaysia will be a developed country and large, those who have, such as Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirra- tahniah kepada Kementerian Luar have an exchange of views on how regard as ‘home’. with far-flung and expanding interests. South Korea, are homogenous states. him, it is my pleasure to declare open Negeri di atas penganjuran persida- best to nurture a sense of belonging The international community, as well When Malaysia joins the ranks of the the 8th Heads of Mission Conference. ngan pada tahun ini. Sebagai salah amongst the Malaysian diaspora so In fact, many Malaysians have achie- as our own public, will expect that we developed nations, our narrative will satu agensi kerajaan yang memberi that together we could work in ved success abroad. Some may be assume our share of the burden of be a compelling one indeed – a young Thank you. perkhidmatan kepada pelbagai ‘stake- building this great nation of ours. famous household names. However, responsibility and leadership. As a federation, originally riven by diffe- holder’ dan pelanggan, baik di kala- there are also many of those who may Middle Power, that means playing a rences, working, growing and deve- ngan warga Malaysia mahu pun warga In our quest to become a high income not be as renowned but who have greater part in Asia, and helping Asia loping together. asing, saya yakin persidangan ini akan developed nation by 2020, one of the established themselves as experts in play a greater part in the world – a dapat memberi hala tuju yang jelas core principles of the National Trans- their chosen fields. subject I will say more about in kepada tuan-tuan dan puan-puan formation Programme is that of inclu- weeks to come. dalam melaksanakan dasar transfor- siveness. All Malaysians should have a I believe that by developing regular masi negara untuk mencapai tahap sense of belonging, feel that they have contacts with the Malaysian diaspora, It also means continuing our commit- negara maju pada tahun 2020. the opportunity to pursue their ambi- they could assist you in making head- ment to ASEAN. We sink or swim with tions and achieve their full potential. way with the local leaders and our region. If we do not have an This conference aptly themed Trans- Collectively we all contribute towards communities as they could help to influential voice here, we will not have forming Malaysia’s Diplomacy towards building a nation that is strong where foster better understanding of the an influential voice anywhere. We must 2020 and Beyond presents an invalu- the rakyat enjoys a high quality of life. distinctiveness of local customs and therefore devote adequate resources able opportunity for you to be fully Inclusiveness also means that Malay- the political, economic and social to strengthening our bilateral relations apprised on Malaysia’s current policy sia has to look at all sources of talents dynamics of your host country. with our neighbours, and continue to direction, both domestic and foreign, either at home or abroad to ensure Through these contacts, you too value ASEAN as the fulcrum of peace, as well as our government’s efforts in that Malaysians from all walks of life would be able to carry out your prosperity and stability in the region. addressing present and future chal- will be part of this transformative responsibilities in a much more effec- lenges faced by the nation. journey that we had embarked on tive way. Even as we undertake to do more, we since 2009. must concentrate resources on initia- I will not spend too much time in During the run-up and after the May tives that will generate the best talking about the Government Trans- In the many visits abroad that I had General Elections last year, we saw returns; leading in areas that concern formation Policy as I am sure you are undertaken, it has always been a the emergence and the impact of us the most, not aiming to be every- well aware of the various transforma- source of pride for me to see how social media in shaping public DIPLOMATIC VOICE 9 opinion among Malaysians, particular- important role in forming and influenc- at all times and communicate our abroad. In addition to this, they could sia abroad and to instil confidence of I wish you all the very best in your ly among the youth. Some argued that ing public opinion about Malaysia, position on various issues effectively. be the focal points in disseminating Malaysia's continued stability and deliberations. this is a welcome step towards a more among Malaysians and foreigners information on Malaysia and provide sound governance among the interna- open form of democracy, which gua- alike. Third, the country needs those with invaluable local knowledge on oppor- tional community. Equally important is Thank you. rantees freedom of expression. How- specialised skills that are required for tunities that could help advance your role in engaging with the Malay- ever, what the experience has taught Your presence in your host countries Malaysia to move up the technology Malaysia’s interests and strengthen sian diaspora no matter where they us was that social media became an enable you to engage directly with our value-chain as outlined in our transfor- social, cultural, economic and political are. They are an invaluable asset that avenue that could be easily abused, in stakeholders and clients, especially mation programmes. By tapping into ties between Malaysia and other could help you make headway in your which rumours and unverified accusa- our fellow countrymen abroad. This is the experiences and expertise of the countries. host countries. You are also in a tions spread like wildfire including the reason why the government has Malaysian diaspora, we can reverse position do your part to actively among the Malaysian community focused on the importance of deve- the brain-drain that has affected many Before I conclude, I would like to support the government's transforma- living abroad. loping close ties with our own diaspo- countries where talents leave to look reiterate the crucial role you have in tion programmes, including the ra as part of Malaysia’s diplomatic for better opportunities in more deve- projecting a positive image of Malay- government’s brain gain initiatives. We have to explain to Malaysians and deliverables. However, we cannot do loped countries. Talent Corp was set foreigners alike that this is not what this without your inputs and support up with the aim to provide incentives democracy is all about. Democracy as you are stationed at your respective to draw Malaysian experts to return also is about citizens having the countries and have direct and instant home. Our diplomatic missions toge- freedom to exercise their right to vote access to the Malaysian diaspora ther with Talent Corp, should harness and it also guarantees that there is rule living in many different parts of the on each other's strength to reach out of law and accountable governance. world. to Malaysians abroad and raise aware- The fact that people were able to use ness about the opportunities back the social media freely, albeit within Allow me to share with you some of home. Talent Corp would be able to the ambit of our laws, is an indication my views on engaging and mobilising provide information on the type of that a robust form of democracy is in the Malaysian diaspora as they are an experts Malaysia needs while our place in Malaysia. important asset that can help you to diplomatic missions could assist in promote ties of mutual benefit to disseminating the information among In this regard, as a responsible Malaysia and your host countries. Malaysians present in their host coun- government, we listen to the people. tries as well as in assisting in Talent Citizens who are eligible to vote must First, get to know as many Malaysians Corp’s activities overseas. be able to participate in the electoral as possible in your host countries. Not process. In the last general elections, all Malaysians live close to the capital, Last but not least, there is the question the government took steps to make therefore the internet provides a multi- of having sufficient resources for acti- sure that Malaysians overseas were tude of ways to make this possible. vities related to mobilising and enga- able to vote. As a result, 2013 marked Heads of Mission must engage regu- ging the Malaysian diaspora. On one the first time in our country’s election larly with Malaysians in formal or infor- level, optimising existing resources history that Malaysians living abroad mal ways as this will be useful in times such as using social media for keeping who are registered voters could vote of crisis, particularly when natural the channel of communication open and be involved in determining the disaster strikes or when social or between our diplomatic missions and future of the country. Previously, only political unrest takes place. We must Malaysians residing in your host coun- full-time students and civil servants ensure that Malaysians overseas are tries could be done without much and their spouses were eligible to use safe in these instances. additional cost. On the other hand, the postal voting facility. I wish to brain gain programmes would require congratulate Wisma Putra and the Second, engage the Malaysian dias- more resources. In this regard, Talent agencies involved in making this a pora to help in promoting various Corp could hold joint programmes reality. aspects of Malaysia abroad. They can with our diplomatic missions overseas help explain events or incidents that and provide the necessary funds when This is an example of a government happen in Malaysia. Malaysia has required. that constantly seeks to improve its done well to make itself known services to the public. In dealing with internationally but there are many who With the strength of diaspora of one our clients and stakeholders abroad, do not know very much about Malay- million people abroad and with the there is no organisation with more sia. By keeping an open channel of strength of our worldwide network of experience in delivering services to communication in engaging and mobi- diplomatic missions in 105 countries, Malaysians abroad than Wisma Putra. lising the Malaysian diaspora, you we can look at practical and realistic And the Heads of Mission stationed at would be able to reach a wider group ways to tap into the talents of the our 105 missions worldwide have of people in your host countries and Malaysian diaspora for the good of our always executed their responsibilities would be able to share and explain our nation. In this regard, the establish- in ensuring high quality service deli- views to more people in your host ment of Malaysian Associations over- very overseas. Apart from that, as countries. As the government’s chief seas provide an effective platform for front-line representatives of the representative abroad, continue to the Malaysian diaspora to interact with government abroad, they have an project a positive image of the country fellow Malaysians while they are living