Page 20 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
P. 20
FORUM Rethinking Diplomacy: New Approaches and Domestic Challenges Dialogue Session with Dato’ Sri Anifah Hj. Aman, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, at the 8th Heads of Mission Conference on 24 February 2014 This conference is timely after a world today brought upon by rapid hiatus of five years for two reasons: changes due to globalisation and technological advancement, Malaysia First: it comes after the 13th General as a small trading nation, and very Elections that took place in May 2013, much integrated into the global in which the Barisan National was economy, has to continue to imple- once again given the mandate by the ment policies that would ensure that rakyat to govern the country. Thus, Malaysia continues to grow as a coun- this conference offers an excellent try and continue to provide a high level opportunity to you to listen to our of development for the country. leaders on the policy direction of the government, particularly on the Na- Malaysia’s strategic location at the tional Transformation Policy, and the centre of one of the world’s busiest role of Wisma Putra and our diploma- sea passages, coupled with our stable tic missions in making sure that these political, economic and social institu- policies are understood and well tions have given credence to Malaysia executed; as a strategic partner that many Great Powers have continued to be interes- Second: it would enable you to gain an ted in. Malaysia’s place in the world is insight through discussions with the not shaped by sheer accident but by ministry’s stakeholders from former through carefully crafted policies and Malaysian Ambassadors, the media, the political will of its leaders. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wa- think tanks, civil society, as well as barakatuh, Good morning and through deliberations on the core Malaysia will always be an open Salam 1Malaysia. business of the ministry, as inputs that trading nation and has to always take could be beneficial in terms of improv- into account its own socio-economic It gives me great pleasure to be here ing or transforming the way diplomacy endowments in terms of ethnic, this morning at the 8th Heads of is conducted by Wisma Putra. religious and cultural diversity, when Mission Conference. I would like to considering its domestic and foreign wish a warm welcome to all Heads of As we know, the next six years are policy priorities. Mission. I am pleased that we have important years for Malaysia. Together this opportunity to meet and delibe- with other government agencies, Malaysia’s unique way of accommo- rate on issues pertinent to Malaysia Wisma Putra will be doing its part in dating the interests of our diverse and the conduct of foreign relations assisting Malaysia to achieve high-in population in our own unique way has and diplomacy. come developed status in 2020. been rewarded by a stability that is uncommon among developing coun- The last conference was held in 2009, The next six years are also significant tries. As we all know, however, in shortly after I had assumed my for Wisma Putra as Malaysia will be recent years there have been many position as Minister in Wisma Putra. chairing and hosting several regional challenges in the domestic front. Since then, I have had the opportunity and international meetings. In 2015, Many have demanded for more demo- to experience for myself the intricacies Malaysia will assume the chairman- cratic space and have taken their and complexities of managing foreign ship of ASEAN and look forward to the opinion into the virtual world by relations with other countries on one possibility of joining the United Na- criticising each and every policy the hand, and working with you in articu- tions Security Council (UNSC) for the government makes. What some of lating our position on issues at the 2015-2016 term. Then, in 2019, them fail to understand is the com- international fora on another. Indeed Malaysia would host the next Com- plexity of our political, economic and Malaysia should be proud of its fine monwealth Heads of Government social realities and that some things reputation among the international Meeting (CHOGM). would never or would probably take community. Over the years Malaysia generations to change, and that all has won many friends and is well Dealing on a daily basis with matters Malaysians must make constructive regarded and respected international- connected in some way or the other to contributions to ensure that Malaysia ly, and this is in no way possible the outside world, you are well aware continues to enjoy peace and stability without the work that you and your of global issues and the changing for generations to come. predecessors have put into making dynamics in theinternational environ- this possible. ment that impact directly on Malaysia. These realities together with the exter- Given the interconnectedness of the nal regional and global environment in 20
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