Page 23 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
P. 23
FORUM FORUM quick action and decisions. These are careers. This is why I have always not to be taken for granted as a given traits that would ensure the relevance given the latitude to Heads of Mission practice. and survival of the diplomatic service and senior officers of the ministry to in this age of instantaneous informa- make public statements but they must To be able to be an effective foreign tion. Diplomats provide analysis of take responsibility for what is pub- ministry, Wisma Putra must ensure situations or events that have ramifica- lished or quoted. that it invests in developing the know- tions on their country or citizens’ ledge and skills of its officers and staff interests. I have also introduced a new practice so that they would be able to continu- with regard to Pre-Council briefings to ously improve themselves and The media can only provide instanta- YAB PM, where I ceded that privilege contribute to a solid, performance and neous reports but it is the analysis of to the KSU, respective TKSUs, DGs results-oriented work culture that the diplomat on the ground that makes and Heads of Mission in order to give would determine Wisma Putra remains a difference to the way a country views them the opportunity to interact at the forefront of international a particular situation and the position directly with the Prime Minister. By relations as the custodian of Malay- the country would take vis-à-vis that doing so, the Prime Minister, who is sia’s Foreign Policy. I have confidence situation. Therefore, ladies and gentle- one of our principle stakeholders, will that Wisma Putra has the ability to men, Wisma Putra must be able to do be better acquainted with our most harness the talents it has and to meet just that and do it well. senior officials, and create that rapport the high expectations of its stakehold- that goes a long way in helping Wisma ers and clients. I must say throughout my time here, Putra to produce work that meets the there have been instances that I have expectations of our stakeholders, in- Another important aspect of diploma- been concerned by the time taken for cluding the Prime Minister. cy is to cultivate and gain an in depth Wisma Putra to respond to some understanding of the political, eco- situations as well as the quality of It also provides the opportunity to the nomic and social dynamics in the host advice that have been given to me. Prime Minister to gauge the capabili- country. As such, I would encourage Good advice is important in order for ties of our senior government officials. you to engage with civil society the government to make decisions on Many senior government officials are organisations, the academia, media issues. In order for officers to provide given the honour to continue serving think tanks, the business community, good advice, they must have a good the government upon retirement. This and not forgetting the Malaysian understanding of issues. As diplo- is a reflection of the government’s diaspora wherever you are posted to. mats, Wisma Putra officers must appreciation for their expertise, talents These diverse groups would be able to continuously develop their knowledge and capabilities. In the case of Wisma provide different perspectives on and understanding of international Putra, this would relate to the officer’s issues which could assist you to issues and skills in writing, articulating ability to continue providing their provide a balanced and comprehen- views and negotiating. insights and policy advice to the sive view on issues and shape your government on international issues of policy recommendations to the I am impressed by the calibre of many strategic importance to Malaysia. government. Your interaction with officers at the ministry who have However, this does not mean that them and to get to know them well is honed their diplomatic, people and such appointments are automatic as critical. At the same time, you will be communication skills throughout their consideration is based on merit and able to reach a wider group of people DIPLOMATIC VOICE 23