Page 26 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
P. 26
NEWS The Official Launching of Mahathir Global Peace School On 17 February 2014, IDFR hosted the The programme commenced with ing a just and peaceful world, Tun Dr. Official Launching of Mahathir Global welcoming remarks by the Director Mahathir stated that, diplomacy is the Peace School with the theme, Global General of IDFR, Dato’ Hussin Nayan best tool to resolve conflicts. He Peace and Conflict Resolution. The and the Rector of Universitas Muham- provided examples of regional programme was jointly organised by madiyah Yokyakarta, Indonesia, Prof. conflicts that occurred during his time Universitas Muhammadiyah Yokyakar- Dr. Bambang Cipto. as Prime Minister and conveyed that ta and the Perdana Global Peace Malaysia and its neighbours would Foundation (PGPF). The Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia seek help from the world court rather and President of Perdana Global than to use force. The objective of the Mahathir Global Peace Foundation, Tun Dr. Mahathir Peace School is to explore strategies Mohamad then delivered his keynote Public lectures from Former Vice Pre- in order to construct a just and peace- address and officially launched the sident of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. ful world and aims to investigate the event. He mentioned that democracy M Jusuf Kalla and Chairperson of the political, ethical, legal and economic stresses on human rights. However, Central Board of Muhammadiya, Prof. implications of global peace and its the rights of civilians are taken away Dr. M Din Syamsudin concluded the relationship to cosmopolitanism as an when bombs land on their soil. He also programme. alternative to more traditional notions believes that ordering others to kill is of nationalism. the worst crime. With regards to creat- Economic Diplomacy Series: International Trade in Agriculture Products - Overcoming Barriers (NTM), Agriculture Political Economy, Price Volatility and Food Safety, among others. The session continued with lecture by Tuan Abdul Hamid Murad, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) on Inter- national Trade in Genetically Modified 21 Agriculture Products: The Biosafety Issues and Tuan Haji Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahim (Arar Venture) on Meet- ing the International Standards and Technical Regulations: Overcoming the Barrier. The closing remarks were delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Hasani Mohd Ali, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, The Economic Diplomacy Series start- Director General (T), delivered the UKM. ed its first series on 16 January 2014 welcoming remarks. which was held at IDFR. With the title, International Trade in Agriculture Prod- Dr. Sufian Jusoh from WTI delivered ucts: Overcoming Barriers, the event two topics namely, The International drew 40 participants from government Rules and Regulations on Agriculture agencies, private sector, associations Trade and Sanitary and Phytosanitary and embassy officials. (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade and Agriculture Exports. He talked on The one-day event was organised by the outcome of the Ninth Ministerial IDFR in collaboration with World Trade Conference of the World Trade Organi- Institute (WTI) and the Faculty of Law, zational (WTO) in Bali, Indonesia that Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was held on December 2013. He also (UKM). Puan Norani Ibrahim, Deputy touched on Non Tariff Measures 26