Page 28 - Diplomatic Voice 2014 Vol 1
P. 28
NEWS also taken to several study visits for on Overall, the participants had gained a gained networking with Malaysian site briefings, such as to Putrajaya, lot of new knowledge and experience officials and among participants and Malaysia External Trade Development throughout the three-week program- excellent programme”. Corporation (MATRADE) and Bank me. Among the positive comments Negara Malaysia. In addition, the received was, “expectation of the participants were privileged to experi- programme were met, improved enced state level governance, when knowledge and better understanding they visited the historical city of of diplomacy and international rela- Melaka and Johor. tions from the Malaysian experience, Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses under the Sistem Pentadbiran Kerajaan Malaysia di Luar Negara (SPKM) 1/2014 Consular Matters at Mission, Legal Matters at Missions, Language and Diplomacy, Grooming and Social Etiquette, Fine Dining Etiquette, Royal- ty and Palace Protocol, Role of Spous- es at Mission, Promoting Malaysia as a Preferred Investment Destination and Promoting Malaysia’s Export of Manu- factured Products, Standard Operat- ing Procedure in Humanitarian Crisis, Cross Cultural Awareness and Com- munication, Art of Conversation and The Pre-Posting Orientation Course and skills in diplomacy and interna- Cooking Demonstration. for Home-Based Staff and Spouses tional relations, to expose them to under the Sistem Pentadbiran Kera- matters related the workings at The course received favourable res- jaan Malaysia di Luar Negara (SPKM) mission and to instill esprit de corps ponses from the participants. Not only 1/2014 was successfully conducted among the participants for effective that they found the course to be very from 10 until 21 February 2014 for performance in fulfilling their duties beneficial in exposing them to the officers grade 41 and above. Twenty and responsibilities as representatives overall working at a mission abroad, seven participants from Ministry of of the country. In addition, the course the course also created a platform for Education, Ministry of Defense, Minis- also exposed and prepared the parti- them to build a network of acquain- try of Human Resource, Public Service cipants’ spouses of their varied func- tances as they are from different Department, Department of Islamic tions and responsibilities. ministries and government agencies/ Development Malaysia, Immigration departments. Department, Malaysia Nuclear Agency The ten-day course included interac- and Yayasan Islam Kedah, attended tive lectures, group discussions and The second series of the course will be the course. practical sessions on aspects related conducted from 7 until 11 April 2014, to working at a mission. Among the which will be conducted for home- The objectives of the course were to topics discussed were Financial based staff grade 38 and below. increase the participants’ knowledge Management at Mission, Protocol and Workshop on Public Diplomacy and Media Skills The first training programme of 2014, Minister’s Department, Ministry of overview and scope of public di- Workshop on Public Diplomacy and Defence, Malaysian Timber Industry plomacy, to enhance awareness of the Media Skills was held from 20 until 23 Board and IDFR. importance of public diplomacy in January 2014. The workshop was promoting Malaysia’s national inte- attended by 13 officers, namely from The objectives of the workshop were rests at the international arena and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime to provide the participants with an enhance the knowledge and skills in 28
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