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Leadership for Diplomats and Attaches 1
From Tuesday 10 April 2018 -  08:30am
To Thursday 12 April 2018 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1339
Contact Mr. Muhammad Shafiy Mazlan Research Officer Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +603 2149 1092 Fax: +603 2145 7015

In today’s diplomatic arena, challenges arise at any time, and to be effective, diplomats need to act as leaders in order to respond to these challenges strategically and effectively. Scholars have argued as to whether leaders are made or born. However, both theories have a distinct appreciation that leaders are born or made in their environment, by their closest influencers and by the challenges thrust upon them. This course is designed for Malaysian diplomats and attachés from the relevant Ministries and Agencies through a selection process by IDFR.

Officials at Ministries/Government Agencies with 7 to 15 years’ experience in any international leadership role and whose nature of work involves international relations and diplomacy should attend this course.




