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Strategic Analysis Course 2013


The 2013  Strategic Analysis Course for International Participants was held from 2 to 20 September 2013 at the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR). The course was attended by sixteen (16) participants from Botswana, Brunei, Egypt, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mexico, Morocco, Oman, Philippines, Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Yemen. The course is funded by the Malaysian Government under the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP), which among others aim to promote greater cooperation, understanding and networking amongst developing countries on issues pertaining to diplomacy and foreign relations.

The main objective of the Strategic Analysis Course is to enhance the participants’ knowledge on strategic thinking and security analysis, comprising areas such as country risk analysis, national and international security, strategic communication, defence strategy, strategic planning and thinking as well as  regional and international political issues. Mr. Christopher Harland the Regional Legal Adviser of ICRC, Dr. Tang Siew Mun the Director (Foreign Policy and Security Studies) of ISIS and H.E. Ambassador Aminahtun Hj A Karim, the Acting Director General of IDFR herself were amongst the guest speakers who imparted their knowledge and invaluable experience to the participants.

A three-day visit to Melaka was also organised as part of the course, with an aim to provide exposure to the participants on variety of culture exchange, diversity and historical linkages of not only Melaka, but Malaysia as a whole.  Melaka was chosen because of its success in embarking economic and social development whilst still preserving its unique rich history and culture. During the visit, the participants was also honoured to be welcomed by Chief Minister of Melaka, YAB Datuk Wira Idris Harun and  Melaka State Secretary YB Datuk Hj. Naim Bin Abu Bakar during a dinner hosted by State Government.

The three - week course was a success as it was not only managed to achieve its objectives and aims, but also it had created long lasting relations between IDFR and the participants; who are now among Malaysia’s latest “ambassadors” to their home state.


Reported by: Mr. Haris Syarwani Razali
Training Division




