Thursday, 20 March 2025

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Training of Trainers: Ethos and Patriotism


From 17-19 December 2013, five officers from Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) attended the Training of Trainers: Course on Ethos and Patriotism held at the National Institute of Public Administration, Bukit Kiara Campus. Officers from other public training institutions attended the course as well. 

Overall the aim of the course is to provide direction and clear meaning on the concept of education and training through the views of the world of Islam to generate good men among individuals who play important roles in the society. Course participants were briefed on the current scenario of the education and training system and were taught on the meaning and purpose of education and training, including the philosophy of knowledge as well. Participants were intellectually challenged by the concept and ideas pitched to them in an encouraging and interactive atmosphere. There were sessions where participants were given scenarios and required to apply, reflect and debate on what they have learnt and understood throughout the course. 

At the end of the course, participants gained a new set of knowledge in the field of education and training from a different perspective and will continuously be trained in the course of 2 years in order to effectively deliver the new set of skills and knowledge in their respective institutions.


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Reported by: Mrs Zanariah Abdul Malek
Academic Studies, Research and Publication Division 




