Sunday, 16 February 2025

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SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2018


The Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) organised the fifth Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses - 5/2018 from 23 October to 1 November 2018. This course was designed for officers (Grade 41 and above) and their spouses to boost and develop their diplomatic skills and knowledge in international diplomatic practices and international relations.

This course was attended by 84 participants, comprised of government officers and their spouses. The officers were from sixteen (16) different Ministries and government agencies/departments namely from the Malaysian Armed Forces (MINDEF), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), Royal Malaysian Customs Department (JKDM), Ministry of Transport (MOT), Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry (MOA), Tourism Malaysia, Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), Immigration Department (JIM), Yayasan Islam Kedah, Yayasan Sabah, Public Service Department Malaysia (JPA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KLN) and Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA).

The course aimed to expose the participants on matters related to their roles and duties when assigned at Malaysian Missions abroad. Among the modules carried-out were lectures on Malaysia’s Foreign Policy; Cross Cultural Awareness; Grooming and Social Etiquette; Fine-Dining; Consular Works at Mission; Auditing, Finance; Ethics and Integrity; National Security; Sharing of Experience from a Former Diplomat as well as Administrative and Security Matters at Mission.

Throughout the one and half week course, IDFR believes all of the officers will be very much equipped and prepared to be deployed at the Malaysian Missions abroad. Encik Aiyub Omar, Head of Centre for Leadership, Negotiation and Public Diplomacy, delivered his closing remarks and presented the certificates to the participants during the closing ceremony on the last day of the course.


Prepared by:
Imran Ariff Mohammad Amin
Centre for Leadership, Negotiation and Public Diplomacy (LNPD)




