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SPKM: Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2019


The Centre for Leadership, Negotiation and Public Diplomacy (LNPD), IDFR successfully hosted the fifth and final series of SPKM for the year, the Pre-Posting Orientation Course for Home-Based Staff and Spouses 5/2019 from 14 to 23 October 2019 at Menara MATRADE, Kuala Lumpur. This course was specially designed for officers grade 41 and above and their spouses to boost and develop their diplomatic, administrative and social etiquette skills, as well as to enhance their knowledge in international diplomatic practices applicable in their future postings.

This course was attended by 70 participants, comprised of 38 government officers and 32 spouses. The officers were from 13 different ministries and agencies/departments namely from the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM), the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF), Tourism Malaysia, the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), the Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA), the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM), the Royal Customs Department of Malaysia (JKDM), the Malaysia Rubber Export Promotion Council (MREPC), Department of Islamic Development of Malaysia (JAKIM), Islamic Religious and Malay Custom Council of Pahang (MUIP) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (KLN).

The course aimed at preparing the participants on administrative and management matters related to their roles and duties when they are assigned at Malaysian Missions abroad. Among the modules designated for them were sessions on Malaysia’s Foreign Policy; Cross Cultural Awareness; Grooming and Social Etiquette; Fine-Dining; Protocol and Consular Works at Mission; Auditing and Finance Matters; as well as General Administrative and Asset Management at Mission. The participants were also briefed on Enhancing Personal Security, Counter Terrorism 101 and Counter Espionage delivered by the Special Branch Division, Royal Malaysian Police, the Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT), and the Research Division, Prime Minister’s Department (JPM), respectively.

Two new slots were introduced during the course, namely Promoting Malaysian Palm Oil by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and SPLN Accounting by the Accounts Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. Pursuant to the Cabinet’s decision to rationalise Malaysian Missions and agency offices and its representatives abroad in effect from 1 August 2019, a briefing on rationalisation plan was delivered by Mr. Shaiful Anuar Mohammad, Undersecretary of Human Resource Management Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, to further expose on the government's plans to the participants.

Throughout the eight days course, IDFR believes all of the officers will be very much equipped and prepared to be deployed at Malaysian Missions abroad. Encik Aiyub Omar, Director of LNPD, delivered his closing remarks and presented the certificates to the participants during the closing ceremony on the last day of the course.

SPKM5193 SPKM5191

Prepared by:
Centre for Leadership, Negotiation and Public Diplomacy (LNPD)




