Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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Course on the International Front Series 2/2023

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The Centre for Languages and Cultural Diplomacy (CLCD), Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) conducted a three-day course titled Course on the International Front Series 2/2023, from 18-20 October 2023, in Seri Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, in collaboration with the Public Service Department. 20 participants from various ministries, particularly, the Public Service Department; Ministry of Communications and Digital; Ministry of Works; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Youth and Sports; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Plantation and Commodities; Ministry of National Unity; Ministry of Transport; National Institute of Public Administration; and Penang State Secretary Office, joined the course.

The goal of this course is to enhance the participants’ understanding of international relations and diplomatic practices. Apart from that, the participants were also exposed to the necessary interpersonal, managerial, and social skills. Malaysia’s Foreign Policy; Protocol Matters and Handling of Visits; Promoting Malaysia as the Preferred Investment and Tourist Destination; Cross-Cultural Understanding and Cultural Intelligence; Diplomatic Presence; International Negotiation; Taking the Floor as well as Fine Dining Practicum were the topics that have been delivered by subject matter experts and senior government officials.

Participants engaged in active discussions, interactive communications, and positive learning experiences throughout the course. The course was concluded with a sharing session as a senior diplomat by our former Malaysian Ambassador, Dato’ Sudha Devi K.R Vasudevan. This was followed by closing remarks delivered by YBrs. Nor Mazny Abdul Majid, Director of Research, Planning and Policy Division, Public Service Department, and certificate presentation by YBhg. Dato’ Syed Bakri Syed Abdul Rahman, Director General, Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations.


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