Friday, 21 March 2025

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Seminar on The Development of National Human Rights Plan of Action for Malaysia


A one and a half day Seminar on the Development of National Human Rights Plan of Action for Malaysia is being held by Legal Affairs Division (BHEUU), Prime Minister’s Department at the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) on 24 and 25 May 2012 and was officiated by YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

The Seminar is held to kick-off the development of the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) which its main goal is to ensure that elements of human rights are included in existing government policies, deliberated in the process of drafting of policies and considered as being the fundamental values in the implementation of policies.

The Seminar will feature a Paperwork Presentation by Mr. Laurent Meillan, Regional Representative of South-East Asia from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights entitled “The Importance of a National Human Rights Action Plan” and subsequently two (2) panel discussions will be held comprising distinguished various foreign and local panelists as well as moderators to discuss on “Drafting a National Human Rights Action Plan” and “Malaysian Uniqueness in the Human Rights Arena”.

YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz highlighted that strengthening human rights requires serious commitment by all concerned and his fervent hope that the upcoming developed NHRAP will demonstrate how the government machinery is turning commitments made at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR- the United Nations’ mechanism to review member states compliance to human rights obligation) into specific actions to improve and promote human rights.

YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz also reminded the participants of the Seminar to not only identify but prioritise existing major government initiatives designed to tackle human rights issues so that the NHRAP is workable and achievable. YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz also reminded for all outcomes to comply with the Article 3 of the Constitution of Malaysia which establishes Islam as the “Religion of the Federation”.

As mentioned by YB Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, the Seminar hopefully will be able to devise a plan which will reflect Malaysia’s strengths as well as to address the shortcomings in the protection of human rights in the country.

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