Friday, 21 March 2025

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4th OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Membership Conference


Puan Kamariah Jaafar, a Deputy Director of IDFR attended the 4th Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Asia Pacific Regional Council Membership Conference held at the National Library of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur from 3-4 September 2012. The conference was organised by the OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council and National Library of Malaysia. OCLC is a non-profit, free-membership computer library service and research organisation dedicated for the public. OCLC’s main aim is to provide to the public further access to the world of information.

The objective of the conference is to keep the attendees abreast with the development of library services and trend in regional libraries.  It was also aimed at creating smart-networking between regional libraries. Twelve regional paper presenters from China, Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand shared reports regarding the status, issues and challenges in implementing the local content digitalised projects as well as the growing trend of the information services in their country of origin. The Conference was attended by a total of 295 librarians and information professionals.

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