Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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Asean Ambassadors Lecture Series "The Philippines: Trends and Prospects by H.E. J. Eduardo Malaya, Ambassador of The Republic of The Philippines to Malaysia"

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His Excellency Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya, Ambassador of the Republic of The Philippines to Malaysia, delivered a lecture on the trends and prospects of The Philippines under the ASEAN Ambassadors Lecture Series. It was organised by the Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations (IDFR) on 23 September 2014 at the IDFR Treaty Room.

The programme commenced with welcoming remarks by Her Excellency Ambassador Aminahtun Hj. A Karim, Deputy Director General of IDFR. Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya then presented his lecture on, “The Philipines: Trends and Prospects by H.E J. Eduardo Malaya. “

A comprehensive analysis of the state of The Philippines was covered by Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya namely an overview of a resurgent Philippines economically, the stable political and security environment, foreign policy priorities, challenges and bilateral relations between The Philippines and Malaysia. Ambassador J. Eduardo Malaya said, “As a next-door neighbour and a partner in ASEAN, The Philippines deeply values its relationship with Malaysia, and looks upon Malaysia as a close friend.”

Amongst the attendees at the event were representatives and officials from various ministries and government agencies, members of the diplomatic corps, academicians from public and private universities and research analysts.

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Reported by:

Muhammad Redha Bin Rosli (Intern)
Regional and Security Studies Division




