Wednesday, 12 March 2025

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Workshop on Lobbying Efforts

lobbying course main

Where there's a will, there's a way. This phrase best captures the success of the Workshop on Lobbying Efforts that IDFR held from 11 April to 12 April 2023, at the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel.

This workshop, organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government Development of Malaysia to help them prepare for Malaysia's candidature for the Executive Board of UN-Habitat, was an impromptu programme despite all the IDFR's planned programmes for the year. It was an honour for IDFR to be trusted to carry out the duty of assisting the Ministry in attaining its lobbying objectives. The workshop aimed to enhance participants' understanding of the procedure, strategy, and tactics of lobbying for seats in international organisations and ensure that Malaysia is elected to appropriate positions and seats. Its other objective was to make them aware of the necessary preparations after the vote has been cast.

Dato' Dr Shazelina Zainul Abidin, Director General of IDFR, and Ms Aznifah Isnariah from the Multilateral Divisions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs were the workshop's expert speakers. Twelve government officials attended this workshop. Over the course of two days, the participants received training on the lobbying process and the necessary preliminary actions. A discussion was held to allow participants to design their strategic plan of action to achieve their lobbying goals. The participants were also highlighted with the important tasks following the elections at the conclusion of the workshop session.

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