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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

            Introduction to Diplomacy for State Secretary       Diplomatic Training Course for Assistant
            Officers                                            Administrative Officers (DTC for AAOs) 2021

            Introduction to Diplomacy for State Secretary Officers   A Diplomatic Training Course for Assistant
            course is the first IDFR course especially designed   Administrative Officers (DTC for AAOs) was conducted
            for officers from the State Administrative Service. The   from 8 to 19 November 2021. The course was attended
            course conducted from 1 to 3 November 2021, is meant   by 14 participants from eight departments/divisions
            to enhance and strengthen state officers’ knowledge as   from Wisma Putra. The participants consisted of
            well as skills in the field of diplomacy and international   assistant administrative officers of grade N29 and N36.
            relations. The inaugural programme was attended by
            17 participants from 11 states, namely – Terengganu,   The programme was focused on enhancing the
            Perlis, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Kelantan,   participants’ knowledge and practical skills in
            Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Sabah and Pulau Pinang.       diplomacy, international protocols, etiquette and
                                                                consular affairs. It also aimed to provide the participants
            Among the modules conducted were an Introduction to   with the requisite skills, knowledge and the right
            Wisma Putra, An Overview of Diplomacy and Malaysia’s   attitude to ensure excellent performance of their duties
            Foreign Policy, Discussion on Vienna Convention on   at a post and within the diplomatic community at large.
            Consular Relations, Consular Issues and Cross Border
            Consular Cases, Diplomatic Practices for Outgoing   The participants were exposed to various topics such
            Visits, Challenges and Opportunities of Consulate   as Introduction to Diplomacy, Leadership in the Foreign
            Offices – Sharing of Experience with a Malaysian    Service, Personal Grooming, Introduction to Protocol,
            Diplomat and The Role of State Offices in Dealing with   Introduction to Negotiation, Integrity, Handling Consular
            Foreign Consulate Offices. The participants also had   Cases, Public Diplomacy and Media Relations, Basic
            the opportunity to interact with H.E. Ambassador Oka   Speaking Skills, Presentation Skills, Cross-Cultural
            Hiroshi, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia and Director-  Awareness and Event Planning Management. The
            General of IDFR, Dato’ Dr Shazelina Zainul Abidin.  participants and their spouses also underwent training
                                                                modules on Fine Dining and Etiquette as well as
            It is hoped that the participants benefited tremendously   session with Persatuan Wanita Kementerian Luar Negeri
            from the three-day course particularly on aspects   (PERWAKILAN).
            related to Wisma Putra, consular and protocol practices.

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