Page 68 - IDFR_AR_2021
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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA


                             SERVICES DIVISION (MSD)

            The Management Services Division (MSD) comprises of three sections, whose roles are to facilitate the
            smooth running of the Institute. It provides support and administrative services to IDFR and ensures the
            efficiency of all management and operation activities of the Institute. The three sections are:

            •  Administration and Finance Section  •  Library and ICT Section   •  Corporate Affairs Section



            As of 31 December, 99 out of 135 posts were filled while the remaining 36 posts were still vacant. The breakdown of
            IDFR’s staffing is as follows: -
                             Grade                        Posts             Staffing       Percentage Filled (%)
                                                      TOP MANAGEMENT
             Director-General Premier Grade B (Open)        1                  1                   100
             Head of Centre Premier Grade C                 1                  1                   100
             Head of Centre Premier Grade C (Open)          2                  0                    0
                                           PROFESSIONAL AND MANAGEMENT GROUP
             Grade 54                                       3                  3                   100
             Grade 54 (T)                                   1                  0                    0
             Grade 52/54 (T)                                5                  1                   20
             Grade 52/54                                    1                  1                   100
             Grade 52                                       2                  0                    0
             Grade 52 (T)                                   2                  0                    0
             Grade 48/52 (T)                                9                  5                   55.6
             Grade 48                                       6                  3                   50
             Grade 48 (T)                                   2                  2                   10
             Grade 44                                       1                  0                    0
             Grade 41/44/48/52/54                           3                  3                   100
             Grade 41/44/48 (T)                             2                  1                   50
             Grade 41/44                                    15                 9                   60
             Grade 41/44 (T)                                12                 7                   58.3
                                                       SUPPORT GROUP
             Grade 01 – 32                                  67                 62                  92.5
             Total                                         135                 99                  73.3

      68                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      69
                  2021 ANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                 2021 ANNUAL REPORT
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73