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IDFR is pleased to present to you the second volume of Malaysian Diplomats:
Our Stories.
T is volume follows the publication of the inaugural book on the experiences
of Malaysian diplomats, Number One Wisma Putra, and its sequel, Malaysian
Diplomats: Our Stories, Volume 1, in 2006 and 2011, respectively.
A Malaysian diplomat’s job is to protect our country’s sovereignty and
defend our national interests. Regardless of where he/she is posted to: a big
or a small country, a peaceful or a country in conf ict, the job is the same.
Our diplomats are our nation’s representatives in all these countries.
People tend to visualise the life of diplomats as glamorous and enchanting.
It may be true that in the course of their work, they may get the opportunity
to meet with Kings and Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, and
people from the high society of the countries they are posted to.
On the f ip side, diplomats also face their fair share of challenges. While
at posts, a few of our diplomats personally experienced war. Others faced
the arduous task of overseeing complex issues related to the downing of a
Malaysian plane, for example, or had to leave the country they are posted to
on short notice after being classif ed as persona non grata. Several diplomats
had to organise urgent evacuations of our citizens in war-torn countries.
One was even held hostage, together with over a hundred other diplomats,
at the hands of a rebel group.