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          In terms of personal challenges, some had to make the dif  cult decision
          of leaving their family behind when posted to countries deemed hardship
          posts,  hence  missing  out  on  watching  their  children  grow  or  attending
          important family events. Others were not able to make it home to pay their
          last respects upon the passing of their loved ones. Yet, despite all the trials and
          tribulations, our diplomats take each challenge in their stride and persevere,
          all in the service for the King and Country.

          I wish to record my deepest appreciation to all the twelve contributors for
          sharing their ref ections and f rst-hand experiences with us. It is hoped that
          the stories captured in this volume, and future volumes, will benef t the
          readers in one way or another and will be used as reference for our junior
          colleagues. T ese stories must be shared for posterity.

          I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt appreciation to
          the selection committee, IDFR’s Heads of Centres and Division: Ms. Haf zah
          Abdullah, Ms. Nuryante Mohd Yazid, Mr. Ruzaimi Mohamad, Ms. Norli
          Muadza Mohd Noor and Mr. Hamizan Hashim. My sincere thanks also
          go out to the English teachers from the Centre for Languages and Cultural
          Diplomacy: Ms. Af da Ibrahim and Ms. Sithira Devi Govindan; and the
          secretariat from the Corporate Af airs Section: Ms. Shanthini Subramaniam,
          Ms. Noraini Awang Nong, Ms. Dzuita Mohamed and Ms. Cornelia Chin,
          for bringing this book to fruition.

                                             Dato’ Mohd Zamruni Khalid
                                                               Director General
                                         Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations
                                                                  August 2021

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