Events Calendar
German Level 1
From Monday 10 February 2020
To Monday 20 April 2020
To Monday 20 April 2020
Hits : 45019
Contact 03-2149 1165/1083 (Ms Nik Khalilah/ Ms Siti Norliza)
The aims of the German Level 1 course are to equip participants with the necessary German language skills and enable them to use the language well. They are expected to be able to understand and construct basic sentences for daily needs. They would also be exposed to the cultural aspects of the language: the habits and customs in German-speaking countries. The participants will learn through classroom activities using textbooks and audio-visual aids, group interactions, and practice sessions.
Location Institute of Diplomacy and Foreign Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jalan Wisma Putra, 50460 Kuala Lumpur
This course is offered to all officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries/government agencies in Malaysia.