Tuesday, 04 March 2025

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Course on Strategic Analysis (Malaysian Participants)
From Tuesday 13 March 2018 -  08:30am
To Friday 16 March 2018 - 05:00pm
Hits : 1339
Contact Mr. Haris Syarwani Razali Research Officer Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: +603 2149 1000 Fax: +603 2144

Strategic analysis is a vital tool for ensuring long-run success, be it in the economic, political, social or diplomatic field. The study of strategy and strategic management has always been critical. It allows a glimpse into all the possibilities and forces at play, invoking one to evaluate the costs and risks resulting from the decisions made and to dissect the consequences of those of the adversaries, allies and others. With global politics and economic uncertainties continuing to abound and dominate the international arena, it is crucial for states to pursue comprehensive approach in dealing with these issues. Employing the blending of critical thinking and innovative approaches will greatly assist states to realise their policy and strategic goals. State actors must, therefore, be equipped with those knowledge, techniques and methods.

This course will be relevant to mid-career and senior officials of ministries/government agencies whose nature of work involves diplomacy, crisis management and security, and international relations. They must fulfill the following criteria:

✵ Nominated by their respective ministries or agencies 2018 Prospectus 17

✵ Below 38 years old ✵ Four or more years of working experience in international affairs/relations or international trade

✵ Have a basic university degree

✵ Proficient in the English language

✵ Medically fit

✵ Able to work independently and in group




