Friday, 14 February 2025

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Friday Morning Session: “A Dialogue Session between Human Resource Management Division and Assistant Secretaries 41/44”

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A Dialogue Session between Human Resource Management Division and Assistant Secretaries 41/44 was held during the Friday Morning Session on 12 September 2014 at the Auditorium WP1, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Wisma Putra). The session saw the participation of officers from Wisma Putra and three officers from IDFR. The objective of the session was to share insights and an open dialogue between Human Resource Management Division and the entire Assistant Secretary in the ministry.

Mr. Hassan Bal, Undersecretary of the Human Resources Management Division, Wisma Putra was the speaker of the session. He started his talk by highlighting the services provided by the division. He stressed the importance of training and learning programmes locally and abroad, to have a good general knowledge, excellent analytical skills, outstanding social skills and the most important is the commitment given to the Ministry. He then reminded everyone to become dedicated officers and future diplomats.

The three officers who attended the session from IDFR were Ms. Lim Hui Chin from the Director General Office, Mrs. Azmah Mahmud and Mrs. Farah Dibah Abu Hanipah from the Academic Studies, Research and Publication Division.

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Reported by: Farah Dibah Bt Abu Hanipah
Academic Studies, Research and Publication Division




