Friday, 14 March 2025

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English for Communication for Executive Officers & Personal Assistants of Wisma Putra

A course in English for Communication was held for Executive Officers and Persona l Assistants of Wisma Putra. It was a two-day course and was conducted in two batches, the first being from 11-12 June 2012 and the second from 18-19 June 2012. The first group comprised 22 participants while the second had 25 participants.

This course aimed at enhancing the participants’ proficiency and confidence level in using the language particularly at the work place. Emphasis was given to correct use of grammar particularly in the following areas: tenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence skills. Awareness raising activities of problem sounds in English pronunciation were also dealt with.

On the whole the course participants were eager to improve and immersed themselves in all the activities and exercises. The majority of them however felt that the course was too short and that there should be opportunities for them to attend more such courses.




