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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

            Responses to COVID-19 and ASEAN and Regional Trade. These discussions, along with few seminars, focused on the
            critical roles that FTAs and FDIs in the growth and development of our country.

            ASEAN-EU Economic Diplomacy Course 2021             reflect the objectives. Among them were Post-COVID
                                                                Recovery: Global, Regional and National Challenges,
            Despite the constraint of the ongoing pandemic, IDFR   EU’s Recovery & Resilience Facility During the Global
            successfully conducted the ASEAN-EU Economic        Pandemic, Overview and Main Features of EU Free
            Diplomacy Course 2021 from 13 to 16 July 2021,      Trade Agreements & EU-Malaysia Sustainability Impact
            with the support of the office of the Delegation of the   Assessment (SIA), Economic Diplomacy: Future Direction
            European Union (EU) to Malaysia. The course was aimed   for ASEAN-EU & Negotiating FTA’s, Engaging State &
            at providing the participants with an understanding of   Non-State Actors in Trade Policy Making and FTA’s,
            economic diplomacy practices in the real world and how   WTO Rules in the Context of Global Health Pandemic:
            it has progressed and changed due to COVID-19.      Trips & Trims, Access to Vaccines and Essential Drugs:
                                                                Pharmaceutical IPR, Production and Import Regimes,
            The course received more than 35 participants from   Achieving SDGs in ASEAN Countries, and EU-ASEAN
            various ministries and agencies including the Ministry   Economic Cooperation: The Case of the EU-Vietnam FTA.
            of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Ministry
            of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs, Ministry of   These important topics were delivered by various
            Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), Ministry of Health,   respected guest speakers, including Former Advisor
            Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry   and Research Director of the Asian Development
            of Rural Development, as well as Economic Planning   Bank (ADB), Dr Ganeshan Wignaraja; Dr Jorge Nunez-
            Unit (EPU), among others. Among the ASEAN member    Ferrer, from Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS),
            states that participated in the course were Cambodia,   Brussels and European Institute of Public Administration
            Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand,   (EIPA), Dr Willem Van Der Geest, formerly from United
            and Vietnam. Aside from these countries, Timor-Leste   Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
            also sent representatives to the course.            (UN DESA), and EU Policy and Outreach Partnership
                                                                (EUPOP), Distinguished Fellow at the IDFR and External
            The course’s welcoming remarks were delivered by    Fellow of the World Trade Institute (WTI), University of
            the then Director-General of IDFR, Dato’ Mohd Zamruni   Bern, Switzerland, Dr Sufian Jusoh, Senior Principal
            Khalid and Ambassador of the EU to Malaysia, H.E    Assistant Director, ASEAN Economic Integration Division,
            Michalis Rokas. Several modules were designed to    Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia

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