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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

                                                                The year 2021 marked 40 years of bilateral relations
            Cultural Diplomacy Lecture Series                   between Malaysia and Japan, and he highlighted that
                                                                the people-to-people exchange between the two nations
            On 19 November 2021, HE Ambassador Oka Hiroshi,     was close-knit, where various opportunities to work
            the then Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia, delivered a   together have hugely benefited both countries.
            lecture titled Discovering the Influences from the Land
            of Inventions and Serenity. The Japanese ambassador is   The lecture, which was conducted in a hybrid mode,
            the first ambassador from the foreign missions in Kuala   recorded 30 participants attending physically and 50
            Lumpur to be invited to speak at the lecture series.  virtually.

            Ambassador Hiroshi defined cultural diplomacy as    Royal Address 2021
            a type of public diplomacy or soft power that wins
            the hearts of others. He also stated that it is through   His Royal Highness (HRH) Sultan Dr Nazrin Muizzuddin
            culture, including arts and language, that we can foster   Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah
            mutual understanding. The ambassador then shared    Al-Maghfur-Lah, the Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan and
            that Japan’s image had sparked worldwide interest in   the Royal Patron of IDFR, consented to deliver the Royal
            its evolving culture, which the top three being Japanese   Address on 18 November 2021.
            food, the people’s lifestyle, and its anime industry.
                                                                With the theme Shaping a New Generation of Malaysian
            His Excellency also added that “culture, generally, is   Diplomats, the Address saw the attendance of 120
            defined as the mirror of the society, which embodies   guests at IDFR’s auditorium and approximately 220
            the current society’s traditions, values, and lifestyle,”   guests via the online platform. The guests include
            and when the culture is further described broadly and   officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other
            experienced by others, it will be considered useful.   government agencies, dignitaries from the state of
            The ambassador also spoke about the Look East       Perak, selected representatives from the diplomatic
            Policy, Ambang Asuhan Jepun, Japan International    Missions, former ambassadors, members of think
            Cooperation Agency in Malaysia, Japan-East Asia     tanks, and IDFR course participants. The event was also
            Network of Exchange for Students and Youths, and    honoured by the attendance of Dato’ Albert Talalla, the
            Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur, which are among the   institute’s first Director-General.
            many initiatives that offer language, arts, and culture
            exchanges and intellectual exchanges to Malaysians.   The event commenced with Welcoming Remarks by
                                                                Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah
                                                                who addressed, among others, the need for diplomats
                                                                to be digital diplomats, and for IDFR to play its role in
                                                                equipping diplomats with the right skills and knowledge,
                                                                as they are the country’s valuable assets.

                                                                In his Address, HRH Sultan Nazrin stressed the fact that
                                                                being the new generation of diplomats requires each
                                                                one of them to be historians, scientists, communicators,
                                                                and bureaucrats. Understanding history is the most
                                                                vital aspect as it provides a background as to how the

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