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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

            At the end of the course, all the participants showed   to overcome their fear of presenting to an audience
            a commendable grasp of the language during their    and be better prepared to do oral presentations. The
            speaking and reading test. They opined that the course   programme not only enhances their public speaking
            was beneficial in helping them to differentiate and   skills; it also raises their awareness of the role of verbal
            pronounce Arabic words and read basic sentences     and non-verbal strategies for effective presentation
            in their daily life. The participants who successfully   which also helps them gain confidence to speak
            completed the course can continue learning Arabic at   eloquently.
            the next level.
                                                                Participants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime
                                                                Minister’s Department, Ministry of Rural Development,
                                                                Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Housing and
                                                                Local Government joined the course held from 13
                                                                to 17 September 2021. An integrated teaching and
                                                                learning methodology through lectures, discussions,
                                                                practical and group activities were carried out online
                                                                to guide the participants in planning their work-related
                                                                presentations. At the end of the four-day course, the
                                                                participants were able to successfully follow the correct
                                                                process of preparing and delivering their respective
                  Instructor and participants of Arabic Language   presentations. Their presentations were evaluated and
                              Course Level II                   given constructive feedback by the instructors and their
            Presentation Skills at the Workplace

            CLCD conducted an online course aptly named
            ‘Presentation Skills at the Workplace’ to cater to the
            mounting interest of not only having to present in
            person but also having to present through various
            online platforms since the new normal of the Covid-19
            pandemic. Although the manner of delivery may vary,
            the importance of delivering an effective presentation is
            substantial. The course aims to equip the participants
            to be effective public speakers in their respective
            departments or organisations.                          Instructor and participants of Presentation Skills at the
                                                                                 Workplace Course
            Public speaking is an artful skill that can have an
            impact on the audience. If done well, it can convince,   English Language (Writing) Development Course
            inspire, or disseminate information that can influence   for Officers of the Bilateral Department, Ministry of
            change.  This course takes into consideration that   Foreign Affairs
            for most people, speaking in public is indeed a very
            challenging yet unavoidable task.  This four-day    IDFR, through CLCD and the Bilateral Department of
            programme explores ways to help the participants    the Ministry co-organised the above course with the

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