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            aim of improving the writing skills of the participants.
            Held over a period of eight sessions of two hours   English Writing Workshop
            each from 8 October 2020 to 22 January 2021, the
            course was attended by 28 officers from various     The English Writing Workshop is one of the core
            divisions under the department. The course content   courses held by the Centre, to develop the participants’
            was designed by the Centre after an analysis of the   competence and skills in writing. It also enables them
            participant’s performance in a profiling test and a study   to apply the principles of effective writing as well as
            of their job responsibilities, as well as discussions with   to improve their ability to draft, write and edit their
            senior officials of the Ministry. The participants’ final   own writing and the writing of others. The workshop
            evaluation was graded against the Common European   adopts an integrated teaching and learning methodology
            Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), a      through lectures, discussions, practical exercises, and
            worldwide standard guideline for language abilities.     group activities.

            English Language (Writing) Development Course for   A total of 14 participants from, among others, the
            Officers of the Multilateral Department, Ministry of   Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Forest Research Institute,
            Foreign Affairs                                     Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries, Ministry
                                                                of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Department
            A total of 30 officers from various divisions under the   of Mineral and Geosciences Malaysia, Department
            Multilateral Department of the Ministry attended the   of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia,
            above course from 8 October 2020 to 22 January 2021.   Ministry of Rural Development, and Ministry of
            Co-organised by IDFR through the Centre, and the    Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives attended
            Multilateral Department of the Ministry, the course was   the workshop which was held from 25 to 28 October
            held in 8 sessions of 2 hours each. The course content   2021. The participants were able to apply the principles
            was designed by the Centre after an analysis of the   and techniques of effective writing into their own
            participants’ performance in a profiling test and a study   thought and writing processes to come up with their
            of their job responsibilities, as well as discussions with   own version of the article. On the last day of the
            senior officials of the Ministry. The participants’ final   workshop, the participants presented their writing
            evaluation was graded against the Common European   material and had other participants, as well as the
            Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).        instructors, give constructive comments.

                    Participants of English Language (Writing)           Participants of English Writing Workshop
                            Development Course

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 2021 ANNUAL REPORT                                                                        2021 ANNUAL REPORT
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