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            The year 2021 is a special year for IDFR as the     on 3 December 2021 to signal the completion of the
            Institution celebrates her 30th anniversary. Through   programme.
            close collaboration among IDFR officers and staff,
            various programmes were designed and successfully   The main highlight of all the programmes and events at
            organised even within the new norm ecosystem.       this Institution for the year was the IDFR Royal Address
                                                                2021, organised on 18 November 2021. In this event, His
            In total, IDFR managed to host and organise 58      Royal Highness Sultan Dr Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah Ibni
            programmes – 36 virtual, 13 physical and nine in a   Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-
            hybrid fashion. We saw a total of 3,191 participants   Lah, the Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan and Royal Patron
            from various disciplines involved, be they diplomats,   of IDFR, delivered a Royal Address titled “Shaping A
            government officials, embassies, members of the     New Generation of Diplomats”. The address was held in
            ladies’ association, academia, as well as students of   a hybrid fashion and will no doubt set the stage for the
            International Relations. The Institution also managed   years to come.
            to record a total of 22 publications that have been
            produced which include analytical papers related to   I would like to seize this opportunity to extend my
            key issues in and outside the country, research papers,   sincerest gratitude to His Royal Highness Sultan Dr
            newsletters and the Journal of Diplomacy and Foreign   Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan
            Relations (JDFR).                                   Muhibbuddin Shah Al-Maghfur-Lah, the Sultan of Perak
                                                                Darul Ridzuan for His Royal Highness’ patronage,
            All programmes are a combination of activities      wisdom, support and time. I would not be able to do
            organised by the four learning centres in IDFR, namely   all that needed to be done without the support and
            the Centre for Political Studies and Economic Diplomacy   continued advice of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dato’
            (PSED), Centre for Leadership, Negotiation and Public   Sri Saifuddin Abdullah and the quiet urging of the Deputy
            Diplomacy (LNPD), Centre for Languages and Cultural   Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dato’ Kamarudin Jaffar. My
            Diplomacy (CLCD) and Competency Enhancement Centre   deepest appreciation to the Secretary-General of the
            (CEC), with support from the Management and Services   Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tan Sri Muhammad Shahrul
            Division (MSD).                                     Ikram Yaakob, for entrusting me with IDFR, and to all
                                                                mentors, advisors and seniors who have lent a helping
            In conjunction with its 30th anniversary, IDFR      hand or provided constructive comments to IDFR’s many
            successfully held the inaugural IDFR-Albukhary Book   programmes and activities.
            Award 2021, and The Most Outstanding International
            Relations Book was awarded to Tan Sri Abdul Kadir   It goes without saying that the Institute would not be
            Mohamad for his book titled Malaysia-Singapore Fifty   where it is without the officers and staff, whose endless
            Years of Contentions 1965-2015.  The book was one of   dedication, commitment, cooperation and hard work in
            80 books considered by the Book Award Committee.    conducting all programmes have been the backbone of
                                                                the Institute.
            This past year, the Diploma in Diplomacy (DiD)
            programme was organised in two cohorts: from 2
            November 2020 to 7 May 2021 with 21 participants,   DATO’ DR SHAZELINA ZAINUL ABIDIN
            and from 1 June 2021 to 2 December 2021 with 22
            participants. A combined graduation ceremony was held

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