Page 45 - IDFR_AR_2021
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            other hand, shared his wide experiences in external   understanding of the principal rules of negotiations in
            assignments and interactively engaged with the out-  any environment, strengthen participants’ negotiation
            going participants on preparations and expectations   skills in getting ahead, resolving conflicts, and creating
            to be made in their foreign assignments. Overall, the   value at the workplace, as well as provide participants
            participants had gained insight into Malaysian Foreign   with an up-to-date experience of negotiation
            Policy and the expectations of the upcoming posting   strategies, processes, tools, and tactics in preparation
            abroad.                                             to be a successful negotiator. During the course, the
                                                                participants were exposed to the modules such as
            International Negotiation Course for Junior Level   Understanding Negotiation; Knowing What You Want
            Officers 2021                                       and Preparing to Get It; Mapping Your Opposition;
                                                                Knowing the Marketplace; Setting and Enforcing Limits,
            Negotiation is a method by which people settle      and Negotiation Canvas. They also had the opportunity
            differences, search for alternatives, as well as discuss   to actively engage with the experts in the field of
            further to achieve win-win objectives. It is a process   negotiation on Sharing of Experience in Negotiations,
            where compromise or agreement is reached while      Breakout Sessions, and Group Presentation and
            avoiding argument and dispute. In any disagreement,   Reflection sessions.
            individuals understandably aim to achieve the best
            possible outcome for their position or perhaps an   In his closing remarks, the Director of LNPD, Mr
            organisation they represent. However, the principles   Hamizan Hashim congratulated all participants for their
            of fairness, seeking mutual benefit, and maintaining a   commitment to completing the course and wished
            relationship are the keys to a successful outcome.  them the best in their future endeavours. Based on the
                                                                participants’ feedback, they had benefitted immensely
            Realising the importance of mastering effective     from the course and look forward to applying their
            negotiation skills, IDFR hosted International Negotiation   newly acquired knowledge in representing their
            Course for Junior Level Officers for the year 2021.   organisation both locally and internationally.
            The course was held online from 9 to 12 August 2021
            and was intended for Malaysian diplomats as well as
            Malaysian government officials at the junior level of
            Grade 41 to 44, who are involved in negotiations in
            formal and informal settings with the government and
            non-government actors, both locally and internationally.
            Forty-five participants who attended the course were
            officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime
            Minister’s Department, Ministry of Transport, Ministry
            of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry
            of International Trade and Industry, Science and
            Technology Research Institute for Defence, Ministry
            of Defence, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher   Media and Malaysia Foreign Policy Course: Synergy
            Education, Malaysia External Trade Development      in the Global Frontier
            Corporation, and Majlis Amanah Rakyat.
                                                                IDFR, in collaboration with the Malaysian Press Institute
            This course was designed to enhance participants’   (MPI), successfully organised Media and Malaysia

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 2021 ANNUAL REPORT                                                                        2021 ANNUAL REPORT
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