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INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS                                                                                                                                                         INSTITUTE OF DIPLOMACY AND FOREIGN RELATIONS
      MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA                                                                                                                                                                       MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA

            course was specially designed for government officers
            who are at mid-career level to cover the essentials   A Sharing Session with Diplomats: Things to Know
            of leadership that will help officers build on their   Before You Go Abroad
            core competency in this area. It was attended by 22
            participants from nine different ministries and agencies/  IDFR, in collaboration with the People Development
            departments such as Ministry of Education, Ministry   Centre, Group Human Resource, Tenaga Nasional
            of Science, Technology and Innovation, Majlis Amanah   Berhad (TNB), successfully conducted a half-day
            Rakyat, National Audit Department, Kuala Lumpur     programme titled A Sharing Session with Diplomats:
            City Hall, Malaysian Timber Industry Board, Ministry   Things to Know Before You Go Abroad on 22 June 2021
            of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Ministry of Defence, and   via CISCO Webex online platform.
            Malaysia External Trade Development.
                                                                15 participants from the outgoing TNB management
            The course was aimed at developing participants’    and senior officers for global assignments in various
            understanding of the pertinent and latest leadership   countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Turkey
            concepts as well as enhancing their leadership skills as   participated in this programme. YM Raja Saifful
            civil servants. In addition, the course was intended to   Ridzuwan Raja Kamaruddin, Deputy Director-General
            strengthen participants’ analytical skills and abilities so   of Department of Policy Planning and Coordination,
            that they will be able to lead an organisation with a high   Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia, and Mr Hamizan
            level of confidence and lastly, to equip the participants   Hashim, Director of Centre for Leadership, Negotiation
            with the abilities to think critically and handle situations   and Public Diplomacy have delivered their thoughtful
            and issues faced at work diplomatically as mid-level   presentations.
            officers. Among the modules designed for them were
            sessions on Introduction to Leadership, Theory &    At the beginning of the session, YM Raja Saifful
            Mechanics of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)     Ridzuwan presented on Overview of Malaysia Foreign
            to Improve Leadership and Relationship, Leadership   Policy which covers our national aspirations to the
            Meta-Programme, Amazing Leader with Inspiring NLP   global community, our national focus and interests
            Communication, The Power Zone of a Leader, Reframing   with neighbouring countries in ASEAN and wider
            Obstacles: Circle of Excellence, Swish, Perceptual   interrelation aspects with the United States, European
            Position, New Behaviour Generator; Managing Stress   Union, and China, as well as experiences dealing in
            at Work; Understanding and Resolving Conflict, and   trade and economic cooperation. Mr Hamizan, on the
            Maintaining Workplace Harmony.

            Overall, the course received positive feedback from
            the participants who had participated actively during
            the course. The consultants were able to display their
            mastery of the subject and had allowed interactive
            activities to take place during the sessions. Director
            of LNPD, Mr Hamizan Hashim delivered the closing
            remarks and presented the certificates to the
            participants during the closing ceremony on the last day
            of the course.
                                                                     YM Raja Saifful Ridzuan delivering his presentation

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