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Securing Malaysia’s Digital Future 18
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics approaches to addressing issues in
(STEM) and social stigma towards Techni- cybersecurity. For instance, the Malaysia
cal and Vocational Education and Training Computer Emergency Response Team
(TVET). 7 (MyCERT) is housed in the Ministry of
Communications and Multimedia in
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the coordination with the Royal Malaysia
demand for digital-savvy talents as Police, Securities Commission and Bank
companies re-evaluate their business Negara Malaysia – causing fragmentation
strategies to shift to digital. However, issues related to enforcement and
Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation’s regulation. In addition, while Malaysia has
(MDEC) survey revealed a greater need to the Personal Data Protection Act, the
reskill workers given the acceleration of declaration of data breaches is not
business digital adoption since the mandatory, and notifications of data
COVID-19 crisis. Additionally, research by breaches and data being moved are not
ISIS Malaysia also revealed that among practiced. As the interconnectivity of
MSMEs, the digital skill gap has made it cyberspace means harm can cross
di cult for firms to digitalise even basic borders, international and regional
processes, preventing them from reaping coordination would be crucial.
benefits of digitalisation. 9
As such, building trust in the digital
Regulatory Gaps in Building Digital economy would require constructing
Trust regulatory frameworks for present
and future technologies as well as
Malaysia's ability to grow the digital enhancing cooperation mechanisms
economy would be dependent on between enforcement bodies. Indeed, as
the nation's ability to facilitate an technologies increasingly become more
ecosystem of trust, where transactions complex, trust will become an increasingly
and activities take place within digitally essential part of securing Malaysia’s digital
secured and resilient systems. This would future.
require strong cybersecurity standards,
appropriate regulatory frameworks and Shortfalls in the Innovation Ecosystem
capacity for enforcement. The cyber
environment features complexities in Research and development, innovation
identity, jurisdiction and a low barrier of and commercialisation are necessary to
entry for criminals especially in acquiring build the future digital economy, whether
tools that can a ect systems and society. such a future consists of the ICT industry
or e-commerce related to other industries.
Responsibilities to ensure a safe and Due to the rapid shifts in technology, there
secure cyberspace in Malaysia are still is a need for Malaysia to remain
developing. Malaysia has around 46 competitive in developing, manufacturing
di erent laws and guidelines related or contributing future technologies.
to cyberspace, covering aspects of According to the Global Innovation Index
trade, e-commerce, cybersecurity and (GII), Malaysia innovation has stagnated
intellectual property rights. However, the over the past decade, even as regional
task of enforcement is scattered with peers continue to gain.
domestic coordination challenged by silo