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17 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
Additionally, the government has also too. Surveys suggest that about 44% of
issued major digital policy blueprints, such MSMEs report that poor speeds remain a
as the MyDigital blueprint, published in major obstacle to utilising more advanced
February 2021. The MyDigital blueprint digital technologies. 2
comprises action plans for digital
transformation across numerous areas and Likewise, there still exists large
outlines the government’s objective for disparities in access to digital devices
Malaysia to be a regional leader in the across socio-economic status and regions.
digital economy and drive sustainable This in turn directly leads to learning
socioeconomic development. Other major losses amongst low-income students amid
policy documents on specific areas include the COVID-induced shift to remote
the National Policy on Industry 4.0 learning. Ensuring universal access to
(Industry4WRD) – which focuses on the high-speed internet and internet-enabled
smart manufacturing and high-technology digital devices would benefit
industry – and Malaysia’s Cyber Security both SMEs and households – increasing
Strategy 2020-2024. exports, 3 productivity, and human
capital development. Indeed, safeguarding
Nonetheless, despite this growth and the the right for every business and
government’s keen focus on digital policy, household throughout Malaysia to
numerous challenges loom in Malaysia’s access the opportunities a orded
digital and strategic future. These include by digital technologies will be an
issues like equal access to infrastructure important prerequisite for Malaysia’s
and digital skills, in addition to a lack of ability to secure its strategic digital future.
digitally-driven innovation. As Malaysia
progresses towards its goal of becoming an Digital Skills Gap
advanced and developed nation in the
coming years – it will become increasingly Digital skills are an essential component
important to overcome these challenges. for fostering Malaysia’s shared digital
future. While adoption of frontier
Key Challenges for Malaysia’s Digital technologies presents opportunities, a
Future shortage of digitally skilled pool of labour
remains a key challenge for Malaysia. This
Access to Digital Infrastructure and the is often attributed to insu cient focus on
Digital Divide digital literacy and innovation, as well as
shortfalls in digital infrastructure.
Despite the progress made over the last
decade, ensuring adequate access to Data shows that the share of Malaysians
digital infrastructure across Malaysia who possess advanced ICT skills (i.e.
remains a major policy challenge. For computer programming) is low at 17.6%.
instance, fixed broadband penetration The bulk of the population is reported to
rates are still relatively low at 39% have only basic and standard ICT skills
nationally – with lesser-developed states such as copying and pasting information,
like Kelantan and Sabah reporting even email and basic spreadsheet knowledge.
lower penetration rates of only 18% and One of the main factors could be due to
15% respectively. Internet speeds matter the weaknesses in education system. This
includes low interest in Science,