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21 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
like-minded states (such as the Quad and 4) Promoting Involvement of Private
AUKUS), the possibilities of such technolo- Sector
gies developed with collaborations outside
of such alliances are low, thus possibly The private sector is a key stakeholder in
isolating neutral and technology agnostic digital transformation – creating jobs,
nations from the vulnerabilities of new upskilling talent and delivering digital
technologies and further harms of products as well as digital infrastructure.
cyberspace. As such, there is a need to encourage
greater involvement of private sector to
Due to the geopolitical and geostrategic complement the vision and objectives of
implications of technology adoption, the other stakeholders in enhancing Malaysia’s
role of diplomacy that could articulate digital economy. Given the current
the Malaysia’s objectives as well as environment which reveals lacking
promote Malaysia’s participation in the participation of businesses in the digital
development of future technologies is ecosystem and societal digital divide,
imperative to build Malaysia’s future digital Malaysia should explore more avenues
economy. Diplomacy has always been to encourage private sector in
Malaysia’s approach to strategic and leveraging digital platforms and ecosystem
security issues. Thus, Malaysia should through open data initiative, deepening
explore the possibility of developing public-private partnerships and fostering
flexible and wide cyber diplomatic cooperation.
capabilities to meet challenges introduced
by technological di usion. Others have Conclusion: Towards Securing
pursued this agenda, with countries Malaysia’s Shared Digital Future
such as Australia, France, Germany,
Finland, Denmark and Estonia have Overall, these policy recommendations
ambassador-at-large with a cyber portfolio. provide a starting point for Malaysia to
The United Kingdom’s Foreign O ce has secure its strategic digital future. The
up to 50 attachés (one in ASEAN based in post-COVID world is one that is
Singapore) to invigorate economic and characterised by rapid shifts and large
capacity building relations based on cyber. uncertainties. Technological change has
Diplomacy is the interconnectors to raise accelerated, and digital transformation is
the bar of cybersecurity, whether it is quickly becoming a prerequisite for
between the public and private sectors, countries to remain competitive, relevant,
governments and Big Tech or government and productive in the near future. To this
to government. If cyber and digital end, policymakers should look towards an
technologies are the catalysts for overarching and holistic digital policy that
development and future economic recognises that the pathway towards
activities, these diplomats would be crucial Malaysia’s digital future should be one that
to pave the way for Malaysia’s capability in is shared by all Malaysians.
Farlina Said, Sofea Azahar and Calvin
Cheng are Senior Analysts and Senior
Researcher at the Institute of Strategic
and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia.