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Crafting a Malaysian Position in Cyber  26
           Malaysia’s Cyber Outlook                 threats,  ransomware,  and  zero-day
           Even prior to the pandemic, Malaysia was
           one of the more digitally advanced         Malaysia had recognised cyber security
           countries. More than 70% of households   as a national priority since the late 1990s.
           were  connected  to  the  internet  in  2015,   The country had taken steps and made
           and a year prior to the pandemic, in 2019,   early  commitments  to   address
           more than 90.1% of Malaysian households   cybersecurity concerns and develop a
           had access to the internet. According to   solid national strategy with laws, such as
           the  Malaysia   Communications   and     the Communications and Multimedia Act
           Multimedia   Commission,   Malaysia’s    1998  and National Cyber  Security  Policy
           internet activities have remained consist-  (NCSP)  launched  in  2006.  At  least  15
           ent through the years, with more than 90%   years have passed since the first
           using it for messaging (96.5% in 2018 and   cybersecurity  policy,  NCSP,  which
           98.1% in 2020). COVID-19 further aided   established  mechanisms   addressing
           the digitalisation process, with lockdowns   threats to the critical national information
           forcing the public and private sector to   infrastructure (CNII). Its successor, the
           utilise cyber for economic and social    National Cyber Security Strategy was
           needs.                                   launched in 2020.

             Despite the urgency to set up remote     Cybersecurity is an issue that transcends
           work    systems,  organisations  and     borders,  hence  strong  international
           companies did not have su cient          alliances and intelligence-sharing between
           oversight mechanisms in place. About 79%   trusted  international  partners  are
           of  organisations reported  ransomware   important to build greater stability in
           attacks in 2021. Global security company   cyber. For instance, cybercriminals take
           Kaspersky stated that Malaysia registered   advantage of the interconnected and
           the highest number of COVID-related      replicable nature of the internet.
           cyberthreats  in  Southeast  Asia  in
           2020,   followed  by   Vietnam,  the      Strategic partnerships between govern-
           Philippines and Indonesia . Malaysia has   ments and the private sector must be
           been experiencing a rise in the number of   established to address vulnerabilities
           cyber incidents. Between January and     along the entire supply chain or system.
           August 2021, CyberSecurity Malaysia      There is a need for ASEAN-based
           recorded 7,495 cases, compared with      partnerships in cybercrime, norms and
           5,078 in 2018  and 6,478 in 2019 . During   capacity-building along with engagements
           the pandemic, concerns were also raised   in  international  fora,  Track  II
           about an increase in content-related issues   conversations and private sector-led
           in Malaysian cyber, such as disinformation   conversations to harmonise processes and
           and   misinformation,  which  had  a     exchange best practices to build a safe
           significant  impact   on   clarity  of    cyberspace.  Key  to this  is Malaysia’s
           government action and public calm.       impartial  and  careful  navigation  of
           During the movement-control order, the   international a airs that would allow it to
           National Cyber Control and Command       establish relationships facilitated by
           Centre, or NC4, detected and contained   engagements, dialogues and international
           several cyber-attacks on  government     collaboration.
           agencies, including advanced persistent
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