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Crafting a Malaysian Position in Cyber  30
           challenges and opportunities arising from
           cyber a airs. This would include trainings   Farlina Said is a Senior Analyst in the
           and exercises aimed at building awareness   Foreign Policy and Security Studies
           on strategic cyber issues. Diplomats must   programme, Institute of Strategic and
           also engage in cyber-related and cyber   International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia.
           diplomacy fora to ensure they are consist-
           ently updated on development in this     Dr Moonyati  Yatid was a Senior
           domain.                                  Analyst at the Institute of Strategic and
                                                    International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia. She
             Last is to develop a skills pipeline that   is currently a Senior Manager of Corporate
           would ensure expertise and human capital   Strategy and Research at Malaysia
           are available in Malaysia. According     Petroleum Resources Corporation (MPRC)
           to Malaysia cyber security strategy      and a Policy Analyst at the Global
           2020-2024, one of the main challenges in   Foundation  for  Cyber  Studies  and
           having a robust cybersecurity ecosystem is   Research (GFCyber).
           workforce shortage, as well as talent gaps
           in a variety of fields. Shortage of skilled
           cyber security professionals is not just a
           challenge for Malaysia but globally.
           However due to the critical nature of these
           skills, it is key for Malaysia to ramp up its
           e orts – with cyber security content and
           skills taught  in  schools,  colleges,  and
           universities, as well as for experts and
           non-experts in both the public and private

               Technology and cyber-related issues will
           determine the way states and countries
           engage with each other. It will also be
           the basis of future development, where
           developing  countries are able to  carve
           niches  and   spaces  for   economic
           engagements that will trickle into social
           development. Maintaining spaces for
           autonomy can be a challenge, especially if
           sovereignty must be interpreted and
           exercised to  the  best  of its  capacity  to
           protect national interests. The role of the
           Foreign Ministry is vital, as data, people
           and technology flow between borders.
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