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Roundtable Discussion on Cultural Diplomacy: A Synopsis 34
Malaysia’s Cultural Identity interaction, and cultural understanding
needed to be forged before the match
Dr Asma was of the view that Malaysia has happened.
a special and unique persona as the
country is culturally diverse, which also at Mr Eddin elaborated that cultural
the same time makes fitting Malaysia into diplomacy has been defined primarily by
one cultural identity di cult. A Malay’s the United Nations and the United States.
perspective about Malaysia is di erent Cornwell University for example
from a Chinese’s, Indian’s and other established a Southeast Asian programme
Bumiputera’s perspectives. As such, the that shapes American understanding of
definitions of what a Malaysian is and what what Southeast Asia was. In other words,
Malaysian culture is, are work-in-progress cultural diplomacy is foreign policy’s push
as they are very versatile. Despite the to create cultural understanding and
challenge, she stressed that understanding engender basic solidarity and even conflict
our culture – its versatility particularly, resolution. He highlighted the resolution
before understanding the culture of others and agreement that was brought about
is important, and it is a precondition in between third world nations in Bandung
cultural diplomacy. Tourists and visitors about 50 years ago, where they were able
who come to Malaysia are amazed at to come together and through a process of
Malaysia’s culture thus it is a comparative mutual understanding and solidarity begin
advantage that we need to utilize. In this to grapple with the idea of how cultures
respect, all ministries need to have a can be shared. The influence of culture is
cohesive message in promoting Malaysia so powerful that it transcends politics.
abroad. Therefore, Malaysia’s cultural diplomacy
has to be shaped along those lines. He
Mr Eddin Khoo asserted the need to argued that selling and promoting
challenge the concept of Malaysian Malaysian culture i.e., Malaysian food, is
identity and cultural diplomacy. The part and parcel of the e ort, but it is not
reason for that is because Malaysian the heart of the matter. As such, if cultural
identity is neither reflected in nationality diplomacy is going to be pivotal to
nor organized politically. The identity has a Malaysia's approach to foreign relations,
resonance and goes deeper back into the we would need to start having a far more
country’s historical reality. He suggested serious and profound understanding of
that the characteristic of Malaysian culture what it is and what its resonance can be at
is cosmopolitanism as it is very organic. the international level.
He also pointed out that cultural
diplomacy is not exactly about selling and Mr Eddin further argued that cultural
promoting our country abroad. Instead, it diplomacy entails a great deal of
is about education and knowledge in all intelligence and learning, such as the
spheres. One of the most pivotal foreign promotion of Malay language. He shared
policy events was the establishment of that Malaysian Studies was promoted in
relations between China and the United universities abroad, and at one time was
States which has defined world politics very prominent in his alma mater, the
since then. The first phase of the School of Oriental and African Studies
relationship was a ping pong (table tennis) (SOAS), University of London. It was
match which essentially was a political introduced by an English orientalist and