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A Summary from Roundtable Discussion on Peaceful Coexistence 38
ways), qaulan maithura (easy, commonly Professor Azizan spoke on peaceful
understood), qaulan baligha (comprehen- coexistence in her capacity at the
sive in purposeful manner), qaulan layyina Universiti Malaya Centre for Civilisational
(gently and kindly), and qaulan husna Dialogue (UMCCD), the Theory of the
(beautiful words). Clash of Civilisations (1996) founded by
American political scientist, Samuel P.
Challenges in communication can be Huntington was very dominant at the time,
reduced through developing common influencing most diplomatic ideas.
understanding. Professor Kamali noted Intriguingly, the alternative to the theory of
that Muslims seem to be having the most the clash of civilisations is the theory of
conflicts despite the basic teachings on peaceful coexistence.
peace that Islam has, citing examples from
crises or conflicts in Saudi Arabia, Stressing on the vitality of dialogue, Prof.
Afghanistan, Yemen and Libya. All these Datuk Dr Azizan opined that dialogue and
incidents happened because Muslims do peaceful coexistence is inseparable.
not give su cient and considerable Dialogue enables people from diverse
attention to the basic guidelines in Islam backgrounds to look at things from
and rational judgement in thinking. In di erent perspectives and draw
conclusion, Professor Kamali highlighted similarities that both parties believe and
that Prophet Muhammad had successfully work around the similarities. In the context
created good relationships between the of Malaysia, the terms plural, pluralism,
Companions in the most respectable, and pluralist must be used carefully. Some
gentle and generous ways. This is evident people think and define pluralism as all
when the Constitution of Madinah gave religions are the same, which is not the
the principle of equality to people with case. Therefore, bringing people with
di erent religions, including the Jews and di erent opinions, views and ideologies to
non-Muslims. Professor Kamali also dialogues becomes more crucial.
concluded that Islam undeniably has rich
sources of education to keep reviving and On the question of identity, Professor
strengthening foundations of peace. Azizan emphasised the need to reclaim
common humanity before talking on
Peace: Notion of Moral, Physical and identity. She pointed out that the title
Scientific Principle “human” comes first before racial and
ethnic identification. Although people
In continuing the discussion, Professor come from di erent races and ethnicities,
Datuk Dr Azizan Baharuddin was asked to all humans are inherently similar. The
o er her views and perspectives to the basic fundamental belief is that we are
question of identity and dialogue with humans and imbued with certain traits
regard to peaceful coexistence. Professor which are empirically undeniable. In
Azizan first pointed out the significance of addition to this, she also added that
expanding the concept, notion and identity is a complex situation because not
understanding of peaceful coexistence as only has society changed but the notion of
a fundamental human concept. Prior to family has also transformed in certain
making peaceful coexistence a reality, this communities.
concept must also be made known and
understood to the people on the ground.