Page 42 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
P. 42
37 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
Peaceful Coexistence from the the basic principles in humanity, pluralism,
Islamic Perspective recognition of people with diverse
backgrounds, friendship, and equality.
Professor Kamali began his discussion Peaceful coexistence resonates within
by stating that peace cannot be Islam closely. Although there is no literal
taken for granted. However, there are expression of peaceful coexistence in
specific challenges to peace. It is Islam, but the religion support for a
necessary, therefore, for one to know the peaceful world and just society.
challenges and find strategies, ideas and
comprehensive ways in addressing them. Islam also recognises the culture of
Recognising his scholarship in the field society, specifically recognition of the
of Islamic studies, Professor Kamali existence of di erent religious groups,
expressed his views on peaceful ethnic and languages - how they relate one
coexistence from the lens of Islam. Islam another, share experience and develop
also faced threats to peaceful coexistence friendships. For instance, Professor Kamali
and challenges of extremism from groups highlighted that the Southeast Asian
such as al-Shahab, al-Qaeda, ISIS and region is well-known for softer touch in its
Boko Haram. These occur due to approaches that impress the outside
lack of interpretations, basic education, world. Among all the countries in the
enlightenment and understanding of region, Malaysian culture is a valuable
Islamic concept of peace. In filling these asset and the country itself is a
gaps, he consistently emphasised the peace-loving country through successfully
notion of Islamic guidelines on peaceful managing pluralism. Thus, the e orts to
coexistence from main Islamic sources, promote peaceful coexistence by Malaysia
mainly the al-Quran (the book of Islam) must be by leveraging on the assets that
and hadith (Prophet Muhammad’s words). this country has, which is to manage unity
well despite having a diverse ethnicity.
According to Professor Kamali, some
Quranic verses provide guidelines on how In addition, Professor Kamali also added
people manage relationships with one that the Quran outlines guidelines for
another, interact and communicate conflict resolution. In this regard, Islam is
internally in a pluralist society. Surah in favour of courteous approaches which
al-Hujurat (49:13) for example, provides include negotiation and understanding
guidelines on pluralism in peace and people with di erent beliefs and
addressing humanity: backgrounds. It goes without saying that
diplomatic and courteous ways lead to
“O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a successful conclusions.
male and a female, and made you into
peoples and tribes so that you may get to Professor Kamali also outlined Islamic
know one another. Surely the most noble of guidelines on how to develop social
you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous relationships, communicate with one
among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, another, and how conflicts can be avoided.
All-Aware” Among the guidelines are qulu qaulan
shadida (speak in clear and concise way),
In further elaborating this verse, qaulan ma’rufa (speak in good words),
Professor Kamali added that this verse has qaulan karima (in generous, beneficial