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33  Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
               Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
           Civilization (ISTAC), International Islamic   achieve foreign policy goals. It is not a
           University Malaysia (IIUM), Professor    two-way flow in the sense that the major
           Datuk Dr Osman Bakar, Founder-Director   powers were only interested to mobilize
           of PUSAKA and Senior Fellow of ISIS      the cultural resources of the colonies.
           Malaysia,  Mr   Eddin    Khoo,   and     Malaysia (Malaya), being a British colony,
           anthropologist and intercultural specialist,   subscribed to this definition, meaning that
           Dr Asma Abdullah. The discussion         the cultural resources are for the colonizer
           was e ectually moderated by the          to  use  to  achieve  their  foreign  policy
           Director-General  of IDFR, Dato’  Dr     objectives. After achieving independence,
           Shazelina Zainul Abidin.                 these countries, including Malaysia (then
                                                    Malaya) tried to interpret what are the
           Malaysia’s Definition of Cultural         cultural resources and their foreign policy
           Diplomacy                                goals.  Therefore,  it  is  not  surprising  that
                                                    cultural diplomacy was limited only to
           According to Professor Osman, every      music, dancing, dress, cuisine, buildings
           country tends to have its perspective of   and  religious  festivals.  Later,  the
           what cultural diplomacy is, and its      understanding of the cultural resources
           significance di ers as every country has   expanded and more recently cultural
           di erent experiences. Malaysia’s cultural   diplomacy is redefined as an exchange
           diplomacy, therefore, is best understood   of  ideas,  information,  values,  systems,
           when it is viewed in the light of its    traditions, beliefs and other aspects of
           historical background. In the colonial   culture with the objective to promote
           period, the Western countries developed   mutual understanding. This new definition
           theories  and  practices  of  cultural   is di erent from the previous one as
           diplomacy in pursuit of their foreign policy   it emphasizes  mutual understanding,
           goals in the political climate of intra-  and dialogue  is recognised  as an
           Western rivalry. In the cultural domain, for   important aspect of cultural diplomacy.
           which education is the core component,   Additionally, the range of cultural
           each Western country pursued policies    resources also has become very large that
           that were meant to demonstrate and       it has become none other than what can
           establish that it is better than and superior   be called ‘civilization diplomacy’, which
           to all  other powers.  As  for  the  colonies   makes a lot of sense in the context of
           themselves, they were only on the        Samuel Huntington's clash of civilizations.
           receiving end. The growth of indigenous
           culture was only tolerated as long as it was    Professor Osman further added that
           subservient to Western culture. In reality,   education has become an important
           however, the cultural flow was a one-way   aspect of cultural diplomacy. In the past,
           or unilateral a air.                     Malaysia did not receive foreign students
                                                    to study in Malaysia and Malaysia only
             In the post-colonial era, this classical   sent local students abroad. Malaysians,
           definition of cultural diplomacy survived   therefore, got to learn about other cultures
           for some time. According to this definition,   while  Malaysian  culture  remained
           cultural diplomacy designates a policy   unknown. However, these days, Malaysia
           area or branch of public diplomacy which   also receives students from abroad,
           seeks to mobilize its cultural resources to  implying inevitable cultural exchange.
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