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35  Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
               Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
           administrator with expertise in British   and  political  stability  despite  the
           Malaya, Richard Olaf Winsteadt (more     demographic heterogeneity. This is unique
           commonly known as R.O. Winsteadt).       as not many culturally diverse countries
           Unfortunately, the e ort was not sustained   are able to do it as successfully as
           and therefore Malaysia needs to look back   Malaysia. As such, instead of looking up to
           upon its foreign policy and understand that   other countries as models, Malaysia has to
           so many of our cultural resources can be   start acknowledging itself as a model for
           benefitted to be our cultural diplomacy   others. In agreement with Prof Osman, Dr
           initiatives.                             Asma   suggested  focusing  on   the
                                                    commonality across cultures, races and
           Cultural Diplomacy in Digital Era        religions. It may not be an easy task and
                                                    a lot more research needs to be
           Prof Osman reiterated that Malaysia      done but it will be worth the e ort.
           should be proud that it is one of the    Malaysia also  needs to  highlight its
           most digitalised countries. It is a great  intercultural  competence –  intercultural
           achievement that Putrajaya is a modern   display of understanding, cooperation and
           capital city that applies e-governance. The   collaboration, which is not uncommon in
           IDFR and Ministry of Foreign A airs need   Malaysia. She cited Ramli Ibrahim, a
           to embrace digital technology as it o ers   Malay  who  championed  Indian  classical
           abundant possibilities for enhancing     dance as an example.
           cultural diplomacy. Mr Eddin however,
           warned against misinformation that comes    Mr Eddin recapped that  cultural
           with digital technology. As such, technical   diplomacy is an important aspect of
           skills and a strong knowledge base are   foreign policy and the Ministry needs to
           needed to employ digital technology to   benefit from Malaysia’s intercultural
           our advantage. In agreement with them, Dr   understanding and its organic culture.
           Asma added that technology is a new tool   Malaysians are beyond the perception of
           that will benefit cultural diplomacy      ‘my culture versus your culture’, for
           initiatives if mastered well. She gave the   instance, the Malay language is not only
           example of publicizing and demonstrating   spoken by the Malays and Malay culture is
           the method of wearing sarong through a   not only practiced by the Malays. Many
           virtual  platform.  The pandemic has  also   Malaysians are trilingual and subscribe to
           proven that there are many initiatives that   multicultural practices. Indeed, this is
           can be done as they are museums          among  the  things  that  need  to  be
           conducting virtual tours and promoting   highlighted in the international arena.
           paintings virtually.
                                                    Dr  Najwa Abd Ghafar is Principal
           Recommendations on Cultural              Assistant Director at the Centre for
           Diplomacy                                Political  Studies  and    Economic
                                                    Diplomacy,  Institute  of  Diplomacy  and
           The panelists unanimously agreed that    Foreign Relations (IDFR).
           there is a lot more to be done on initiatives
           for cultural diplomacy. Prof Osman viewed
           that Malaysia has to be more aggressive in
           showcasing its achievements. One of them
           is the  achievement  of  maintaining  social
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