Page 44 - Focus_in_Continuity_a_Monograph
P. 44
39 Focus in Continuity: A Framework for Malaysia's Foreign
Policy in a Post-Pandemic World - A Monograph
Peace is not only the notion of moral Tools of Modernity and Peaceful
principle, but also a physical and scientific Coexistence
principle - not only between men and men,
but also between men and nature. For In his turn, Dr Farish A. Noor elaborated
example, Professor Azizan argued that not on how peaceful coexistence can be
many understand the notion and issue of established when the history of nation
climate change that has become a critical states started with wars and conflicts.
issue worldwide. Citing the recent flash Taking the Southeast Asian region as the
flood in Malaysia at the end of 2021, she closest example, he highlighted that before
suggested that it is time for dialogue of life colonisation, various polities in the region
where people from di erent backgrounds had lived in a state of peace, mutual
come together to talk about a certain issue recognition, and coexistence, thanks to
i.e., climate change. This issue is equally mutual economic activities i.e., trade.
important in the subject matter of peaceful
coexistence because climate change does Dr Farish brought up an important point
not only a ect climate but human beings. that wars are engineered and do not
happen naturally. Wars are propagated not
Professor Azizan concluded the session only by states, but also the mass media,
by highlighting that it is timely for people social media and propaganda. These
to also talk about the relationship with instruments are at the disposal of most
nature with more holistic approaches, in modern nation states. He also added that
diplomatic narratives. 50 years ago the world would not be
confronting the threat of war that is so
amplified as today due to the inexistence